Do you prefer being drunk or stoned?!


Do you prefer being drunk or stoned?

And which has a greater effect and why?

gettin drunk s better...

I like doing both. At the same time.

I prefer to have a nice little buzz from wine or gin. I feel (perhaps wrongly) that I have more control over my consumption, and it's legal as well as more socially acceptable.
I think being stoned has a stonger effect, depending on what you get stoned on. If you're talking grass, then I'd say it can make you more sociable, but maybe I don't want to sit around all day and giggle. It kind of takes all the motivation out of you, unless that's your desired result.

How about neither? It's so much better to be in control of your faculties...

I would go for drunk, because It gives confidence to go for what you want at that moment plus you become hyper and all happy. well stoned will just make you too conscious, slow, confused, and you cant get much done...

Neither. I have a pretty good mind and attitude, and see no reason to screw things up. I'm happy with myself.

Drunk!! It is sooo much fun and gives me tons of energy.

Kind of depends on my mood/whats going on...

For example, if I'm at a party I'll get high, but am definetley more likely to get drunk. But if I'm just hanging out with a few buddies and got work early the next morning, I'll roast a few bowls, enjoy the buzz, and not worry about feeling terrible the next morning. Mixing them is cool too, but you have to remember the addage: Weed then beer, your in the clear. But if it's beer then weed, help to the toilet you'll need. Your definetley more likely to get sick if your already drunk and start smoking pot...

Gotta change it up sometimes though, if you do either too much it'll start to get boring.

being drunk had the greater effect, and the hangover afterwardsl I hate being hung over, I'd prefer beiing stoned anyday, no hang over, and you get the munchies. drinking just makes you feel terrible the next day, getting stoned doesn't.

Drunk at least it legal. And to me it is more fun and liberating. I dont drugs and when I did I felt very bad about the whole. So I just stick to drinking these days.

Drunk. I have know idea why, but you feel relaxed, and calm. And it funner.

Drunk and stoned is good but i like to be Hi when i do it

I like both, but I prefer being stoned and just feeling completely wiped out and comfortable. Especially with a few mates, just watchin some crazy movie and being to gone to talk, but just being comfotable with the silence. That, to me, is perfect.

neither, I like being nice

what's the difference.......either is stupid.
i would never put a thief in my mouth to steal what little brains i have left..........

i prefer stoned...because i cannot control myself when i get drunk...hahahahaha

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