Why am I blacking out?!


Why am I blacking out?

Recently, it is extremely common for me to black out, even on low amounts of alcohol. Last night for instance, I had 4 or 5 beers in the space of 5 hours, and when I went to get some wine I had no buzz. I had 3.5 glasses in the span of 1.5 hours. I used to not drink often. I only blacked out once before February, and that was the first time I got really drunk nearly 2 years ago. (2 shots of vanilla vodka, 3 shots of JD, 3 shots of Wild Turkey, and one shot of 151p everclear). In february, I went to a party in which I did not have any alcohol, and so I was drinking others stuff. I don't know what I had, but I went from sober to blacked out, no buzz, no drunk, and I didn't have that much to drink. Its been since then that I black out easier. I drink a variety of different types of alcohol, all types, really.(though I used to only drink vodka and rumpleminze).I am NOT trying to drink myself dead, and I don't like blacking out. I want to stop the blackouts and still be able to drink.

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
During the February incident I did have alcohol, the beverages given to me did contain it. However, I went from sober to blacked out, no buzz or drunkenness. Typically, when consuming alcohol, effects hit you first, and you get a buzz, but not straight to blacked out.

2 weeks ago
During the February incident I did have alcohol, the beverages given to me did contain it. However, I went from sober to blacked out, no buzz or drunkenness. Typically, when consuming alcohol, effects hit you first, and you get a buzz, but not straight to blacked out.

Your liver is not processing the same amount of alcohol it used too. You should probably have a liver function test to confirm this. You do not have to be an old drunk to have liver failure. You see this in people who drink 24 hours a day. They will come in to the bar and drink 5 or 6 beers in an hour, go home pass out for a few hours, and come back like that over and over again. These people used to drink straight through the day without going home. Once the liver is processing the alcohol as fast as it can the black outs start and the less alcohol it takes to get loaded. I think the most the liver can process is 3 oz. of alcohol per hour, I have to look it up again.

It's one of the first signs of being a drunk, I didn't say Alcoholics because they go to meeting's. I average a case of beer a day, I used to have black outs but not anymore. Your just breaking in. Just don't drive.

You seem to have developed an intolerance - either to alcohol, or something in the alcohol. I'm most concerned about the February incident, since (unless I read it wrong) you had no alcohol. Either someone slipped you a rufie, or you have something wrong with you that needs checking out. Blood pressure problem, or brain issue...not a doctor but I think you should talk to one. Blacking out is nothing to take lightly, and can be very dangerous.

Icant tell you if you are an alcoholic, but if you are your body processes alcohol different, stay off the hard stuff for awhile and/or drink water or soda in between beer or mixed drinks

The answer is obvious - drinking the beer as you described is the responsible, reasonable way to drink. Your body has enough time to metabolize the alcohol and your buzz is minimal.

However, based on your question and explanation of your drinking habits, I am venturing a guess that you are young and have the attitude that you must have a buzz if you are drinking. Wrong attitude, dude! That's what gets you in trouble!

The big mistake comes in when you start drinking more to catch up with where you think your buzz should be. This is tantamount to binge drinking, doing it for the express sake of catching a big buzz. Usually, by the time you are where you think you need to be, it's too late and you are really loaded.

I am not trying to preach, as I am famous for having made these same stupid mistakes when I was younger. I am lucky to have made it to my age, considering the stupid things I did while drinking. Let's just say that about 95% of the really stupid things I did or said in my lifetime was when I was drunk or well on my way there.

Before you decide to take those extra shots or drinks next time, give your system some time to catch up. And for pete's sake, don't binge! You'll hate yourself in the morning, especially if you are in the drunk tank!

Sir the problem is right in front of you! even though you've cut down on alcohol it will still affect you! my cousin was a drinker and she went through about two years of depression so I suggest you see a doctor and a CHRISTIAN psychiatrist.
or just go to God he would be the best to go to! Cause guess what... even though you've been sinning all these years He still loves you. You could be sick for ten years and He could heal you the moment you are about to die!!!! so consider that.

Steve S is correct. Heed his advice. You're drinking too much, too fast and your body is rebelling. Slow the pace way down and you should be able to enjoy yourself without overdoing. (alternate water with a drink every time..drink your beer, then fill it with water, or if a mixed drink, have water with lemon, no one but you will know). If the problems continue, I'd say lay off the stuff all together. You can have fun with friends without drinking...get a buzz from a good time, not blackin' out!

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