Your favorite wine?!


Your favorite wine?

Reds . . or Whites and do you ever cook with wine?

I prefer a crisp white but every now and then a nice Merlot is wonderful too! We cook with wine alot, it adds so much flavor!

Not to mention that wine has great health benefits too!

It all depends on what people's taste are.

Personally I like red wine. There are such many varietals. First to look is to see what type of grape you like. There are Cabernet (which is a bit bitter/tannic but very flavoraful), Merlot (lighter in body and tend to be more chocolaty), Pinot noir (ligher fruity but not sweet), Syrah (spicy peppery zingy), Zinfandel (higher alcohol and medium fruit), Sangiovese (dry dry dry), among many other varietals, such as blends (or combination of the aboves). Next you look at the styles of wine making, which is partly related to where the wine is grown and produced. American red wines tend to concentrate on oaks and tannin, while the Australian are spicy and French are about finesse and balance.

My favorite red wines include Caymus Special Selection and Joseph Phelps Insignia and Revana Cabernet and anything from Pride. Cheaper every day wine include Mondavi Cab/Merlot/Pinot Noir and Swanson Merlot.

As for white, there are Chardonnay (dry buttery acidy oaky), Sauvignon Blanc (fruity), Pinor Gris (dry fruitful), as well as various blend. Hands down my favorite white is Caymus Conundrum.

Also remember there are plenty of dessert wines, both white (especially delicious ice wine - Inniskilling is the best) and red (famous Port from Portugal but also cheaper port from this country).

I do lots of cooking with wines. You can reduce a cheap bottle of cabernet into about 2 cups of cabernet sauce, which goes well with steak. You can also put left over white wines (since they don't keep well) with chicken and put in oven. I also love to cook with Sake. Not much on beer, but there are plenty of recipe with beer cooking.

Red wine has the health benefit. White wine doesn't. Drink Red for your heart.

I like Italian wines. Both red and white.
Ruffino classico..its a Chianti wine..that is my all time favorite but I try all wines. Reislings, Pinot grigios, Pinot Noir..etc....Table wines are good too for snacks like cheese and meats.

Reds for sure, although there are a few good bottles of white I'll go for too.

William Hill Wineries, 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon is my fave.

French wine.


I like both reds and whites, semi dry, but like you, I too like a nice smooth merlot. Ever try white merlot? Very nice. Smoother and more dimensional than white zin, which I also like.
Try Robert Mondavi..I think it's called Special Reserve or Special Selection-- Riesling. It's not overly sweet, which some rieslings can be. Semi-dry is just another way of saying a little bit sweet so along the same lines there are malbecs. Some chardonnays are nice too, but look on the label for the ones that are more fruity than oaky. I don't like tannins (not smooth) so I tend to stick to more whites, but there are reds that I've had that are called Red Delicious, and then there's lambrusco reggiano and sangria (which is really a mixed drink containing wine-but still an option.)
I cook with wine too. Good luck!

I aint much of a wine drinker, but if i had to choose it would to be a Chardonnay

The ones I like in order.

1) Pelee Island Pinot Noir
2) Pelee Island Merlot
3) Stone Church Red (Don't remember the type but it is the one in the vintage section)
4) A local winery that makes a Blueberry Apple wine.

I prefer red wine; either the cabernet savingon or the merlot will do.

i like zinfadel, cause its not dry or really sweet. cooking wine is usually is a special type of wine that is designated as cooking wine

Both - for different times and different menus.

My favorite is a good Oregon pinot noir.

I like pinot noirs and cab's.

Occasionally I will have a merlot, but find it is a little more pungent than I am wanting.

Sister Creek Vineyards has some great wines.

If i had to pick between the bunch, reds are my favorite. Particularly Sangiovese and Zinfandel. They are very food friendly. I do like white on occasion. I love new zealand sauvignon blanc.

Yes, I do cook with wine, both red and white. Depends on the recipe and/or marinade I am working on.

i work in the wine industry, so wine is a way of life here in Napa.

Yeah! Wine is awesome, healthy, good for your heart, and tastes wonderful! I usually like reds, such as Syrah and Cabernet, but I have found a vineyard with a crisp white blend "River Guide White" and a red Merlot Blend "Druid's Fluid" that I LOVE! You can get them at

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