Which do you prefer (A beer question)?!


Which do you prefer (A beer question)?

Do you prefer the beer you can see through or the beer you can't see through. I prefer the beer with the highest opacity.

I love unfiltered beers. They have so much more flavor. Some of my favorite unfiltered beers are

Long Trail Unfiltered IPA
Blue Moon
Widmer Bros. Hefeweizen
Hazed and Infuzed
Magic Hat Circus Boy
Sam Adams White Ale

Mmmmmm. Hoppy and flavorful.

Corona baby!

corona with or without lime...lol

90% of the time im drnking Miller Lite, but the other 10% could be anything as long as it has body and flaver, non of this water downed stuff, as in carona, coors light, etc....

I'm with you. Depending on my mood I like Sam Adams or a nice, smooth Guinness.

I prefer scottish ales. Sometimes you can see through them; sometimes you can't. This applies to other styles of beers.

You should learn about beers, rather than judge them by what they look like.

Then I guess room Guiness is right up there on your list? (That's, what, 10W-40?) Good stuff, for sure; but it's been some years since I went for stout. Nowadays, my taste is semi-seasonal:

Winter: medium-dark ale, preferably German
Spring: Red Hook's 'India Pale Ale', or a
nice bitter (like Anchor Steam)
Summer: a smooth pilsner, or a long-neck
Corona with a wedge of lime
Fall: Sam Adams' "Scotch Ale" (hard to
find); or Shiner Bock, in a pinch.


Depends on what I am doing or eating.
Hot summer day doing yard work, I want a pale ale like Rolling Rock and Heineken.
Chilling out in a pool, any number of Sam Adams brews or other micro brew.
Red meat, dark beers.
White meat, Pilsner style ales.
I stay away from Miller, Bud, and Coors

I prefer Ambers and very occasionally Guiness. But if I am going for darker than amber beer, i'll either have a black and tan, or Asahi Black - which is smoother than Guiness.

The best beers I have tried have all been non see through, hefe weizens are good, they aren't dark but they are unfiltered so they aren't clear, stouts are also good as well.

I'm a big fan of I.P.A.'s. They vary in color but most are transparent.
Please don't judge a beer by whether you can see through it or not.
There are a multitude of great beers from many levels of transparency.

I agree. Have you tried Jubel Ale? A bit more of a seasonal "winter beer" ...it is wonderful!

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