How much alcohol does it take to reach the .08 limit?!


How much alcohol does it take to reach the .08 limit?

just curious, i've never really known how much it takes before you reach the legal limit.

Assuming this algorithm is correct, check this website from Oklahoma University police website. It has a calculator where you select several variables to determine your BAC. It even has a choice for the type of drink with tons of options.

Like the above poster mentioned, seems to be that 1 drink per hour adds .02 BAC if you are of average weight

depends on if you are male or female...and your body type...

drink alot then drive get pulled over by the cops then ask them lol

Well It depends on these factors

body weight
if taking medications
weather your male or female
all these factor calculate how much alcahol you can have to get a .08

It really depends on your size. If you are NFL linebacker size, then 1.5 drinks an hour might be safe, depending on other factors like diet, etc. For a small person, one drink may put you over the limit for 1.5 hours! An average size adult can usually drink one drink an hour and not go over -- or at least not very far over.

Note: one bottle of regular beer, one glass of wine, one mixed drink, all contain about the same amount of alcohol. If you are drinking hard liquor straight up, you will get drunker much faster!

Best safety rule is: if you have to drive, don't drink at all!

3 to 4 drinks, a drink being, a shot of booze, one beer, or one glass of wine..Each of those counts for .025

It all depends. On a lot of things. Your body size, how much food is in your stomach, how fast you drink, your metabolism. As a general guide, the average male takes two standard drinks in an hour to reach .05.

But what is the average male and what is a standard drink?

For the average person your BAC will rise about .02 per hour per drink....

One drink is defined as:

One 12 oz beer( normal beer not 211 black can)

one four oz glass of wine

About one average mixed drink

So to answer your question.....about 4 drinks in one hour will get you to .08 which is the limit at which you are considered drunk in most US states.

This all depends on your size/ sex and metabolism..

Do not ever test this theory on the road.
Don't have one drink and try to drive....

Depending on variable factors but around 3 beers for most people, over a couple of hours. it's not much, be care full, DUI's are all the rage for cops theis days

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