Mojito question?!
Mojito question?
What is the tool used to muddle the mint leaves? Can you buy it at walmart or a grocery store? and how much does it cost?
It is called a Pestle.
1: A club-shaped, hand-held tool for grinding or mashing substances in a mortar.
2: A large bar moved vertically to stamp or pound, as in a press or mill.
PS the Morter is the glass
Muddler,,, confued,, this is the the act,, not the "tool".
mud·dled , mud·dling , mud·dles
1: To make turbid or muddy.
2: To mix confusedly; jumble.
3: To confuse or befuddle (the mind), as with alcohol. See Synonyms at confuse.
4: To mismanage or bungle.
5: To stir or mix (a drink) gently.