How to chew?!


How to chew?

Hey guys. My friends just recommended chewing to kick some other hard drug using habits I have and I’m not quite sure how to do it. I got long cut and I put it in the bottom of my mouth. I kind of puff the middle area between m,y lower lip and chin out and I spit all my spit in next to the chew. The thing is, even after like 5 minutes, my spit after spitting it out isn’t even a little dark. Is there something I'm doing wrong. Maybe if someone could tell me how to do it, or give me tips that would be great. Thanks guys, I know this is a stupid question but can I only have serious answers. Thanks again.

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2 weeks ago
If i wait any longer, I get way to much spit in my mouth and it like flows out of my mouth.

2 weeks ago
If i wait any longer, I get way to much spit in my mouth and it like flows out of my mouth.

you need to keep the pinch kind of loose. don't squeeze it so hard when you put it in your lip. also, get a pretty big pinch. like, as much as you feel comfortable with. once it's in, work it around a bit with your tongue. man, this sounds really sexual and dirty, just trust me. just keep it kinda loose and keep pulling it through your teeth. good luck and try not to let any into your stomach.

ive only chewed once and was pretty darn drunk. I think you have the conecpt down maybe your spitting too much.

You are spitting to early wait a while

Forget about that! It is a nasty habit & no one will want to kiss you!
Start sucking on those popcicles you get in the big box.They aren't fattening or addicting!Plus you stay cool the whole summer! It is cheap & easy.

ok man, i have been dipping for a couple years and all I can ask is why would you want to start, I guess its better than drugs but dang. but to answere your question no you arent doing anything wrong, if you salivate a lot your spit will be clearer than people who dont salivate as much, also depends on what you are dipping. my spit is darker with copenhagen than it is with skoal.

What are you chewing? Chewing tobacco gets OLD and dries out quickly. Was it moist when you put it in?

All in all. chewing tobacco is nasty, but better than hard drugs. You're better off to get professional help...but if this is the route you're choosing, good luck.

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