Bday party question???!


Bday party question???

so, my friends bday is coming up, and im the only 1 whos not going 2 drink, like in 2 hours they are going 2 be wasted, and have fun,what do i do, not 2 get bored while im sober?

omg! this is the best answer yay!

Laugh at everyone that is drunk. Trust me, they won't know what crazy things they are doing, and it will be pure entertainment for you.

Well, you can do what my mom does and do what they do.. while your not wasted.. which is completely nuts.. or you can get wasted also :D ... you dont want to just sit, there..participate! If not, bring your cell phone, iPod, the weird square cube thingy that u line or the colors on 1 side... or fake sick and dont go at all. Peer pressure is a b!tch... its got good effect on me :) lol..

Inwardly laugh at them. Be the major player in charades. Make odd snacks and feed them.

yeah, I would probably try talking to them and seeing what funny things they'll say. And by the way, i admire the fact that you're not gonna drink. I wouldn't either :)

it's always fun to watch drunk people!! keep urself entertained by watching how stupid they get, lol... they will laugh hysterically at basically nothing.... it's hilarious!

Take photos or video tape your drunk friends!
Then you can use them as blackmail photos later!
Hee Hee Hee! =D

take pictures of their crazy, drunken antics. that alone will be hours of entertainment. watching your friends make total fools of themselves will provide you with more than enough blackmail for months to come.

It's wise of you not get yourself drunk. It's not worth the trouble if you can't handle your liquor well.

While your friends are getting high, you can try taking pictures or video of their crazy antics behaviours. You could try asking them questions and who knows, your drunk friends might give you some funny answers. It should be enough to entertain yourself at the party.

Hey, the girls wont be that drunk, n u can cook the bbq. Just watch us, we'll be ur entertainment. Plus, we need someone 2 be sober, cuz sum of the girls need a ride home

you can try to laugh at them, but they will get annoying eventually. Try to find someone else to talk to, male or female, whichever your preference. Maybe you'll get lucky and it won't matter what they do. If they get drunk enough, they probable won't even know your gone.

yo i wont be that drunk and maybe u could come up with rhymes if u wanna make the party like a russian song

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