Women & Smoking?!


Women & Smoking?

so... I rarely smoke.

but sometimes, if I am having cocktails or wine with friends and someone else has one... it is just so enjoyable to join in.

do you think it's "wrong" to smoke socially?

Nah, not socially. I used to smoke heavy, 2 1/2 packs a day. When I got pregnant with our son, the smell made me so sick, oh god, I had to stop. That was in 1996. I never went back into it. I smoke occasionally, but not an everyday thing. Sometimes if I'm upset or something is working on my nerves, I get chest pains. I know it's probably not the right thing to do, but if I smoke 1 or 2, my nerves calm down and the pains go away. Then I'm done with it. I'll never go back to it like I was before. My son has bronchitus problems, even though I quit in my first 2 weeks with him, when I found out about him actually. Not sure if that's why he's got it or not though. My hubby smokes but never in the house or around the kids. Plus I have finches in the house, which can't be smoked around. He keeps it outside altogether. People who smoke socially though, they're fine I'd have to say.

Nope. It's all good (socially). But healthwise... no, it's not good. I used to smoke and it felt great to smoke when drinking but, god, the risks and side effects of smoking are nasty,

NO. Go ahead.

First of all, smoking is harmful for health. Now after knowing this if you want to smoke which give you charms, its ok. I think its not wrong.

personaly i would never date or hook up with a women who smokes even socially. my grandmother died of lung cancer so I am against it.

Well, in my opinion, smoking can be a great tool to socialize although there are better ways, such as being humorous and charming. That's enough to keep you in good company.

Since you rarely smoke, it's better if you refrain yourself from smoking before it becomes a habit. I'd say, don't ruin your health for the sake of socializing.

Wrong, no.
Nasty, yes.

Whether you smoke 1 every blue moon, or 2 packs a day, smoking is nasty.

Not really, although more and more states are putting restrictions where you can smoke them, it's a good French past time. They were invented by the French to give one a sense of sophistication, while drinking a Martini. Unfortunately they have been abused, and smokers are basically become a slave to them, and smoke because they have to. My advice if you don't normally smoke is to smoke them like a cigar, don't inhale. You start inhaling to many of them in one session, you'll be hooked like a drug addict.

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