How much is too much?!


How much is too much?

How much do you have to drink to be considered an can you stop drinking when your a 21 year old college student and that is your only hobby

As a recovered alcoholic ( what i have recovered from is a hopeless state of mind and body ) i can only share my own experience with you. If that is your only form of entertainment but you can control the amount you drink , then you are more than likely a potential alcoholic.
As time passes, the usual pattern is that as we progress in the elements of alcoholism; we begin to find more irritation in minor things and seek relief with alcohol to alleviate the irritations. Before we realize it ( this is why they call it an invisible line ) we become dependent on alcohol because it works, and turn to it more and more until we have no control on how much we drink or when we will choose to drink because it is almost instinctive.
As yourself these simple questions and you may need to seek help-- Have you ever drank more than you really wanted to? Have you ever lost control of your drinking once you have started to drink? Have you ever jusified drinking for any of the following reasons-- failing a test or missing a class ; someone gets something that you think you deserve more than they do ; being emotional and not thinking about any other way to deal with it?
There is a book entitled "Alcoholics Anonymous" that has very good info about this. There is also another one entitled "Under the Influence" that is one of the most informative concering alcoholism.And there is more than likely info available through the health services department of your school. Good luck and have a good day.

at least 10 bottles of bud, thats how much for me

Drinking, in and of itself, isn't usually the problem ... it's how you behave when you drink. If you drink enough to convince yourself that it's okay to drive drunk, pick fights, skip work, cheat on your s.o., or whatever then you probably have a drinking problem. Or if you can't relax without a drink, then maybe it's become too much of a habit.

On the other hand, if you like to go to a party and drink to get a buzz on, that's not really a problem in my eyes. But if you're drinking for more than just to get loose and be social, then it might be time to question your motivations.

Hang out with fun non-drinkers too. get into a sport or dance

Have other things to drink in the frig. Instead of just beer.
(One can get into a habit of drinking a cold beer when thirsty
and forget that an ice tea, or ice water is just as, if not more, refreshing)

To much would be drinking when it's not appropriate, like at work, school or while running errands. Also if you have to hide it.

I think you need a new hobby.

I average a case of beer a day, I don't consider myself an alcoholic, I consider myself a drunk. A alcoholics go to meetings.

Well if you are asking you are probably there. Get some more hobbies.

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