Do I have a drink problem ??!


Do I have a drink problem ??

Hi, im 30 years old, live with my wife and 3 kids. And I work full time. I would say I drink about 6-8 cans a night mon-thurs, then a couple more on top at weekends. It helps me get to sleep at night. I never feel rough in the morning. I am never horrible after i have had a drink. To be honest I dont think I get drunk. It just helps me wind down after the kids have gone to bed. Tonight is going to be my first night trying without a beer !!!
But I feel I really could have one now, its the taste, is there a drink that tastes of beer but is none alcoholic !!! of a very low fat/calorie beer. I love the taste and the relaxing side to it. But I dont want to think I need it every night. I have them in the fridge now. I just want to loose wieght, im eating healthy and exercising. But I just can not seem to resist a beer.
Any advice would be very much appreciated
Thanks to all who answer....

I would say you do not really have "a drink problem". When I was at sea that sort of quantity of cans of normal lager beer was fairly normal per night by seafarers when they came off watch. Engineering officers for example when they came up from a stifling hot engine room on the 8 to 4 watch in the tropics on Esso supertankers were drenched in sweat and hence extremely thirsty. That sort of amount adequately quenched their thirst did them no medical harm and got them relaxed before retiring to their bunk, and they always turned to promptly for their watch in the morning and did their job excellently following day.

Yes I have also encountered a few alcoholics in my time but in my experience if they drink beer it is usually an extremely strong brand like Tennents Superlager. But most alcoholics seem to drink spirits like vodka or gin in huge quantities as well as beer or wine never just normal canned beer. .

Nor do I think drinking a non alcoholic beer like Kaliber or Swans is really the solution as it is not likely to ease your craving any more than trying to switch to soft drinks like Coke will! But I suggest try tot limit yourself to no more than 3 or 4 cans per night at most That actually might be less unhealthy than drinking Kaliber or drinking absolutely nothing because in contrast to smoking, alcohol "in moderation" has been proved to aid longevity and just so long as you do not allow drinking and driving, nor allow it to interfere with your work nor the good relationships with your wife and children,.just relax and enjoy - but discipline yourself to limit to no more than 4 per night.!.



Try O'Doule's (sp?). It's non-alcoholic.

Well, i don't use it becuase it's not useful...

Take up running or a hobby that you distract your mind.

I have lost my craving for chocolate, sweets and crisps
and i will never need any of them again.

you drink too much

if you can not resist a beer then yes, you have a drinking problem. if it can fit in to your schedule i suggest you go to a local AA meeting and see if they have any suggestions to help you get your mind off of beer

you are doing the right thing by trying to wind down without a beer, try something else, hot chocolate, that kinda thing

Yes kalibers good i used to drink it when i was pregnant.
i think you may have a slight drink problem but at least your trying to do something about it.
Good Luck.

Anything more than 2 drinks a night puts you in the category of being an alcoholic. You may need to talk to someone as to why after the kids have gone to bed you need a beer to relax. Try going for a walk, drink some water or a cola light, fruit juice. I get the impression that you may have difficulty reducing your alcohol intake.

yes you have ... but at the moment it is just routine ......leave it and it will become an addiction..... use the time you set to have a beer do something else works ...!!!

i'm in the same boat. i love my beer!!!! i do drink it nightly and on week ends too. i love the taste. i don't think i have a problem either :)

Do you get on edge when you dont have any beers in? If there are beers in, can you not help but jump into the fridge?
Can you just have one? or do you need to drink all of it?
Be honest with yourself. Test yourself, stop drinking for at least a week or whatever goal you can give yourself. then extend it. try to think of other ways to relax, your body loves nothing more than routine, the problem arises when the routine is 6 beers in the evening.
If you still worry about it, the contact the AA, they will just give you advice, you wont have to go to meetings.
I hope you manage to cut the beers out.....good luck

Well to my knowledge I would say that you have partially asnwered your own Q. If you think (or it appears) that you can NOT get through the day /night without having a beer then you may have a problem. Or you just may be what is considered a heavy drinker as opposed to an alcoholic. To where an alcoholic can not funtion without it and become TOTALLY dependant on having alcohol .

I feel the same hunny.. i'm an alcoholic i drink in the mornin..i drink at noon...i drink in the afternoon..i drink at bedtime!!!!!

you do not have a problem, i am older and drink more , some of us can handle it some cant, as long as you are working and not resorting to violence your'e ok.

of course there are beers that are low calorie and have low alcohol levels, there are even some beers that have no alcohol in them at all! for example :
Cutter made by coors

good luck :)

honestly i ask myself that same question, i drink everyday, not alot, but i drink. i guess it all depends on how you feel about it. if you feel you need to slow down and maybe not drink at all, than do it. but if you feel everything is alright, keep living your's all up to you. good luck!

maybe not a problem yet, but that much alcohol may be doing permanent damage to your liver and skin, so cut down now before it is too late.

Me & my husband have 8-12 cans of carling premier every night . Can't remember the last time I didn't have a drink. You need to do something else when you get home from work. My doctor told me that at least I wasn't binge drinking. When you start losing work through drink, that is the time to stop. OK.

becks do an alochol-free version of their original, the bottles look exactly the same but one has a blue label and one has a red label. i know people who cant tell the difference.

a drink does nobody any arm but cauce you have to ask this question it shouds like you know you drink to much and frightened of it getting out off order it wont if you are sensible ,everybody needs something sometimes in life,but don't let it take over your live your wife and children need you,good luck

you may indeed have a problem, but you are able to entertain the idea yourself that you have a problem. Talk to youre wife, ask her opinion. Does she think you could be a better husband without the drinking? if so, its just one more reason to moderate yourself a little more. You dont say that alcohol is causing you to be abusive toward others, and i'll believe that, so its not a problem. I dont know how old your kids are, but they could be quite impressionable. I dont think having 6-8 infront of them every night is necessarily the best example to set for them.

that said, always think of whats best for your family, and for your health. try to moderate your intake, or find alternatives.

well, i drink whenevers clever, not daily, every other day at most, with friends, but non-alcoholic beers do not have any taste whatsoever, we had one, literally like a drunk guy, drank a load of beer and pissed in a can and sold it, but i'm sure thiers lots of low cal beers, or switch to weak ale, something along the lines of 2%, they're not great if you're looking to get pissed but, if you just like to relax some taste really gorgeous.

i know how stressful it is to run a house look after the kids and work full time, and yes i love a drink when the kids have gone to bed, but i wanted to stop that for the sake of my health and cut it down to just social drinking, so what i did was join the gym, tell you what it`s the best thing i ever did, now for me there is nothing better than a good work out then a relaxing time swimming then the jacuzzi then the sauna, i get home and want nothing more than a nice nights sleep, .. Try it you`l love it, good luck...

nonalcoholic beer!

It is a bit excessive, its not like you come home and have a beer, no you have a 6pac, what about your family, do they still get the attention they need, just paying the bills doesnt count. i come from a family with an alcoholic father my only memories of him is passed out on the coutch by the time i got home from school. its not fair to your children and they WILL resent you once they are older.

I have a husband that does the exact same thing. It is a problem, for your family and your health. It will catch up to you in a very unfortunate way. Get help. Just because you asked this question means you question it. Why risk it?

Switch to light Beer.

If you are asking you have a problem.

Go to Rehab, take AA class..12 step program!!

you need to think about your family

Try to have one less every night. I work for an alcohol distributor and I live around booze. I keep to one cocktail a night or one every few nights. Before I got married my roommates were killing a Liter a night.

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