I am worried about my friend..?!


I am worried about my friend..?

he drinks alcohol every night, often a bottle of wine and then spirits. He sometimes starts as early as 3 in the afternoon and rarely has a night off it. He's a first year student and he says he is just enjoyig uni but i'm starting to think he may have a problem. Am i right to be worried, what should i do/say?

yes you are right to be worried. i know a kid who's 16 and drinks way too much. but he knows it and just doesn't want to change. just talk to him about it. at least let him know you're concerned. it may get him to realize that he does have a problem. offer to help him get help

yes it does sound like he has a problem! anyone who drinks everyday is classed as an alcoholic, espcially with the amounts your friend is drinking.
you need to find out as much information as you can about alcoholism and then talk to him about it. leave him the information to read through when you are gone. he wont like you for saying it but someone needs to and you wouldnt be a friend if you didnt. so give him a chance to think it through afterwards.
Good Luck =)

my friends drink and are only 14! you have a reason to be worried. Dont talk to him when drunk. try to tell him, im worried about you, and he might get offended but he needs help. Alchhol is like a drug, and its deadly.

Point out to him the homeless guy on the street.....that's how it all started. He didn't think he had a problem then. Now he's got a BIG problem. He needs to get a grip on his life before it slips away from him without him knowing it, because he was too drunk to see it coming. Good luck. He's lucky to have a friend who cares.

sounds to me that if he "needs" to have that amount of alcohol every single night, he's having a problem & you are agreat friend for thinking on it and truyig to help. Just tell him that you are worried and tell him heart to heart after that is really a matter of him wanting to change his behaivor and accepting that he might have a prublem and not just having fun anymore !!! Also are you aware of any problems, personal ones...

u know tall to stop clumly tall him caz matbe tall mom & dad or his mom & dad tall tham

of course u hav every right 2 b worried u should always help ur friend especially at this time talk 2 him when he is in a good mood slowly convey a message of wat u think is best 4 him i have seen ppl go through that b4 dont worry try ur best ur a good friend no matter wat he is luchky 2 hav u good luck

He's a drunk, You can talk to him all you want. But he's not going to stop unless he wants to. Trust me.

It definitely sounds like a problem. And if he says he needs it, then it IS a problem Go to a self-help group for families and partners of alcoholics. You will get support and advice on how to handle this. Only then, approach your friend. Otherwise you might just find him choosing between you or the bottle ... Check this for help:


Get a bunch of his closest friends together to tell him that u are worried about him and make sure that everyone there agrees on everything first to seem united and all on the same page.

Talk to his parents.

Yes, he has a problem. Get him some help before he gets worse and worse.

I usually start around noon, assuming I stopped.

me too

It does sound as if he has a problem with drink. The only thing you can do is tell him your concerns and advise him about AA meetings etc. Good luck!

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