How long can an open bottle of wine last in the fridge before it goes off?!


How long can an open bottle of wine last in the fridge before it goes off?

does wine go sour or stale?...i have no idea this is my first ever bottle and i opend it a week ago, but havnt finished it...however today i fancied it ok to drink?..and for how long?

thanks for answering!

I read a beginner's guide to wine and it said:

1 day old - still ok to serve to guests. Just taste it to make sure.
2 days old - invite a friend round and polish it off, quick!
3 days old - don't think about serving it to anyone except yourself.

I guess that's the official point of view, but if you don't mind the taste after more than 3 days, go for it! It won't hurt you.

wine doesn't go off....
it just gets better over the years.
itll be fine and you dont need to keep it i the fridge...

I never keep it for longer than a week. Cooking wine is salted and lasts longer. It is fine to drink right now or use in spaghetti sauce and refrigerate.

if its benn opened it will only be good for about 3 days . its safe to drink after this but it wont taste as good .

if it had a cork rather than a screw top then if you had put a spoon handle first into the bottle it would keep it better

An uncorked bottle of wine will get better with age, but an opened bottle will go bad eventually. However, not after a week. It is definitely ok to drink. You don't have to store wine in the fridge. White wine is often refrigerated because it tastes better chilled, but it's not kept in the refrigerator for preservation purposes.

After a week in the fridge, and supposing it still has a stopper on it, the wine is still good to drink. Only some lah-di-dah wine expert will say that the taste, bouquet etc. is not good any more. The wine will not go mouldy, it has fermented already. After a long time, I don′t know how long but def more than a month, the wine will start turning to vinegar. We have often left wine in the fridge. If it was for a long time, more than a month or sometimes even two months, we would use the wine for cooking.

Put a stopper in it and a couple if not more days, the best rule of thumb is to taste it!

I wouldn't drink it after a week - invest in a vacuvin - it sucks all the air out of the bottle so you can keep it for weeks and have the odd glass when you fancy it

Wine does spoil. Once you've opened it, you can try preserve it by putting it in the fridge (which slows the process of bacteria in the air turning it all vinegary). But after 3 days, I wouldn't drink it.

I don't drink white wine but i know that red wine goes off very quickly and starts to taste like vinegar, usually within a day or so.

Never leave an open bottle of wine in the fridge. Always put the cork back partway or screw the cap on. If it has been re-sealed it will last several days, depending on the alcohol content of the wine. An open bottle is likely to go off within a day depending on how many yeasts or moulds find their way in there.

stale--- best drunk onced open

about 5 minutes in my house

The wine won't actually spoil. But it will oxidze after opening. The taste will detriorate, but you can drink for the effect of the alcohol. I would try to drink before 2-3 days.

yes wine does go off. And no i would not drink it.

If you have put the cork back in tightly, then it should be fine for a week. White or rose is best kept in the fridge and can be drunk chilled. Red is allso best kept chilled, but drunk at about 13 degrees centigrade. That way, the aroma comes out better with evaporation.

Wine should keep upto 2 weeks in the fridge and 5 days at room temperature if airtight, once opened. Much longer that that and it will start to oxidise. That wont hurt you, but the flavour will deteriorate.

if you opened it a week ago, I wouldn't drink matter if it is in the fridge or not. Wine starts going bad as soon as you open the bottle and allow air in. You can always try it, if a vinegar taste overwhelms it then don't drink it.

Good question, but you didnt say if it was white or red. If its in the fridge its probably white but could be pink or even red. As long it; a) smells ok and; b) tastes ok then go ahead. Wine contains alcohol, which is a preservative, but reacts to oxygen and tends to turn to vinegar. Best to go by smell, taste and drink it!
PS. dont worry about putting a stopper in......... finish the bottle!

I don't know, I am usually done it within a few hours LOL - ok, seriously, for me, within 24 hrs. If its older than that, I use it for dressings in salads or marinades!

white wine with the cork put back on the bottle
will be allright in the fridge for over a week

red wine put it in a decanter or replace the cork in the bottle
and let it stand upright somewhere cool-normal temperature
out of direct sunlight and that it wont get accidently knocked over-will last for months and months,another idea is to pour the red wine into the squares of a plastic ice tray, freeze it and use the little square wine-ice blocks in cooking recipes.where and when you need them,the wine left that you couldn;t fit into the ice it

Personally, I drink the lot and save space in the fridge. (Not if I am driving next day though) Enjoy!

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