I am at work with a hangover someone please help!!!!! ??!


I am at work with a hangover someone please help!!!!! ??

I am out of it today I think I may still be buzzed from the wine I drank last night. How can I make myself feel better?

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2 weeks ago
thanks for all your answers great!! I feel better already from the greasy food
also i got called in today because someone is out sick! im not that irresponsible people thanks haha

2 weeks ago
thanks for all your answers great!! I feel better already from the greasy food
also i got called in today because someone is out sick! im not that irresponsible people thanks haha

eat something greasy and drink lots of water, and a coke at lunch. All that and a nap would make you feel 100%, but since you can't have a nap, just eat a greasy hamburger and drink a coke...then water when you get back to work.

Drink a lot of water. Dehydration from alcohol is the worst.

Have you had lunch? If not, eat something greasy...I know it sounds gross, but it seems to soak up the alcohol.

Go get yourself a slurpee. preferably grape.. then after you have some of that get a huge cheeseburger in you... whaddup with gettin all wasted on a Sunday night anyway! you know better! ;)

There is nothing u can do when u already have a hangover but to prevent them drink a lot of water before u go to bed

I been there....well If you like to feel better and more relaxed..drink some beer..maybe 2 or 3......it is gona relax your nerves.......or make some pruno.....just ferment some apples and sugar and yeast and drink it...you be fresh like fish.......:-)

Maybe drink more wine??!!

Drink LOTS of water TRUST ME!! ;-)


eat fried food lol it works

Eat something really spicy, like a burrito with hot sauce. Every time I have done this I am cured...it will work, unless you hate hot and spicy food!

A McDonald's chicken sandwich. Best hangover food EVER! If you can't get that, something from the vending machine....whatever is the heaviest, most unhealthy food in there. I've come to work after 11/2 bottles of chardonnay...think i was still drunk. I feel your pain. Just drink tons of coffee and water and eat when you can.

drink lots of water and eat lots of food! and don't fall asleep!!!

Go home.

A lot of water and vitamin B-12. Also resting tonight and not being stupid will make tomorrow a better day. I know this is late in the day of your hangover, but remember it next time. B-12 first thing in the morning and a lot of water. Also eat whatever you can ( meats and cheeses) and take vitamins before you go to sleep when you have pulled a drunk. Been there...done that. You'll (hopefully) wise-up and stop that nonsense as you grow.

don't drink soda! sugar makes you headache wost

Advil and lots of H2O. Next time, make sure you drink milk or eat things between alcoholic drinks so that you don't get sick.

Drink lots and lots of water. you have to drink so much that you will be peeing all day all the time. Make sure you dont have anything with sugar.

To prevent your hangover from happening next time follow these rules. Before you go to bed take two Tylenol or ibuprofen and drink lots of water. Drink at least 4 glasses of water before you go to sleep. I know this sounds like a lot of water but your body needs that water to process the alcohol and remove it from your body. When your body is dehydrated you are more likely to have a hangover.

water is always the best, but if you take niacin before bed after a night of drinking it will help prevent a hangover.

Drink more wine!!

Surf the web until it's time to go home.

Water....lots!And also what worked for me was fresh air and Saltine Crackers and an apple.

Hope I helped!:)

A burger, fries and a bloody mary. If not then B12, water and extra strength Excedrin, it has tylenol, aspirin and caffeine.

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