What's a pub crawl?!


What's a pub crawl?

Okay, I'm totally out of the loop. I've been living overseas for the past few years. But I've been hearing lots about pub crawls. What are they and why are they called that? Thanks in advance.

Pub Crawls are a fun little jaunt around the city to different bars/clubs. They typically have a theme, for instance one of the crawls we go on is the Blues Pub Crawl, they set up a bus system (important...no DUI's) and we hit all the blues joints around town. They are a lot of fun and a good way to meet different people. Try it and enjoy.

going from pub to pub on the same night having one or two in eachone

It means going from one pub to another, usually along a specific route, and having a drink or two in each one before moving on to the next. I used to do them at university all the time.

A pub crawl is where you have one drink at a club/ub or bar and then move on to the next and do it all night in different pubs! Not very intresting?

That's when you go out with the intention of getting very drunk. You start at one pub, have a drink or 2, then move on the the next nearest club. They have some very popular one in London, they are even themed. You can get on a pub crawl bus that will take you to the different ones. Which is nice because you don't have to drive or walk.

it means going from pub to pub its called crawl because thats usually what your doing towards the end

It just means going from bar to bar in one night, checking each one out to see if you like it

It's how I get to the pub bathroom after a few too many pub beers.
Who am I kidding? You can NEVER have too many beers! Especially if you're the designated driver. By the way guys, the idea of making me anchorman in your drinking games when I was the DD MIGHT have had a few flaws. I just can't think of what those flaws might have been.

You start off at one pub and have a pint. Then move onto the next pub and have a pint. Then move onto the next pub and have a pint....

By the end you're crawling home because you're too drunk to stay upright. :p

1) Catch a flight to Milwaukee for St. Patty's Day.
2) Be there before 10:00 am.
3) Find a taxi and tell them to take you to North Water St.
4) Get out and enter first bar you see, or the one on your side of the street.
5) Start heading South on Water St. and enter every bar along the way for at least a drink.
6) When you get on to South Water St. you will likely be crawling, if not.....
7) Continue to enter bars for at least a drink until you are no longer able to stand and have to crawl.
8) Crawl to curb.
9) Catch a cab to airport.
10) Sleep on flight home.

a pub crawl is usually a town sponsored event where by you have many local pubs/bars. It is a way the local pubs/bar introduce them selves to you so you can get to know and visit many of the local pubs/bars with hope of you returning to them so.....They are all located in pretty much the same area and what I have done in the past is registered with a sponsor and left my car keys with them while we hit as many pubs/bars as we walked from establishment to establishment. It was a fun way to try as many drinks in as many pubs / bars as possible.
Give it a try..

It's the same thing as bar hopping... Going from bar to bar all in one night.. Make sure to get a designated driver..

I'm gonna quote a group of Brits I hung out with in Geneva:

"I heard Americans call it bar hopping. If you're hopping, you're definitely not drinking enough."

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