Why do I stink of beer??!


Why do I stink of beer??

Every time I go out on a big 'shindig' with the lads I'm always the only one stinking of alcohol until late afternoon the next day,I don't know why??

Your probably not the only one, you just think you are. We all stink when weve been out on the lash!

take a shower

Try not spilling so much of it all over yourself and and your clothes, an try changing your clothes the next day.
Hope that helps :-)

It comes out of your pores just like when you sweat once you become over heated. Some people eat garlic and have the same effect. Cherie

Perhaps you consume too much of it.

ew.....wash up!

Change your clothes wash and try brushing your teeth or perhaps you just drink more than your mates

dont worry mate splash on some brute

cause u drink too much

Some people are just lucky I guess. Now that I don't drink, I can smell last nites beer across the room.

You tend to normally sweat alchohol out the next day, which can be smelt, but not usually beer. You can smell rum and other spirits the day after. I think you beer problem lies with you not taking a shower in the morning or changing out of your beer soaked clothes.

My ex was the same, it comes out of the pores of the skin, you are basically sweating it out. The only way to prevent it is to not drink alcohol but seeing as that is unlikely, you need to try and sweat it out of your system early in the morning by doing heavy exercise and then having a nice, warm shower.

alcohol can have a distinctive smell. Maybe it' just in you're head unless other people have smelt it too. Maybe you should try have a shower or something, i am not saying you don't wash or any thing but wash you're hair and every thing, also brush your teeth and maybe use mouth wash. It's just that the smell of alcohol can linger for a while.

You're sweating it out. When you perspire you actually excrete urea through your pores. You may have processed the alcohol out of your gut but it's now sitting in you as a waste product.
Have a really good scrub the morning after, all over and your hair.
Brush your teeth and clean your tongue with a tongue scraper. Use an alcohol free mouth wash - alcohol in mouth washes dry out the membranes and make you stinkier.

Then drink lots of water. Buy a 2 litre bottle and drink the lot - should dilute the pong a bit and help you rehydrate.

Try not to dribble. You can get big bibs these days. I find they help.

Do you dip in the beer keg when your out with the lads?

One night my boyfriend had a HUGE amount of Cristal and he ended up smelling like it for the next day. It was comng out of his pores so his breath smelled like it, his hair smelled like it, and all of his skin smelled like it. It was completely awful.
So that's probably your problem as well...just too much. Your body wants it out! It's a sign that you're drinking too much. Make sure that you're drinking water in between drinks or every 2 or so to flush out your system.

Because the beer is still in your system and it is escaping through your pores!

Smoke a few fags Miles, disguise the odour.

You obviously drink Coors Light! Coors light affects your body differently than other beers. That's because Coors light is, in fact, piss. You are actually drinking Colorado urine. Stop it, you smelly twat. Nobody likes to smell piss from a fellow drinker. Unless they're INTO that sort of thing, and you can usually tell, because they pay extra for it. Nasty bastards.

Sounds like you drink too much. If you keep that up as you age, you'll get to a point where you find yourself waking up at the pub, smelling like stale urine. You'll get used to that too, but you may always wonder if all the urine is yours.

Maybe you are consuming too much. If I could suggest something.....the next time you are out, try to step it down a few notches and see if it has a different effect.....More than likely, you won't reek when you leave....but if you still do, then maybe it's just your body's chemical reaction to alcohol no matter how high or low the consumption.

always have ur gf with u ul not feel that........//////////'''';;;;... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

You probably sweat more then the other lads mate.

Yes, but I'll wager you are also the life of the party.

ERM. Try a bath or shower. Better still have both and use some shower gell. lol.

My boyfriend has the same problem. I don't know if it's possible but he swears he sweats alcohol out of his pores if he drinks too much.

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