Underage Teen Sex?!


Underage Teen Sex?

Why is it concidded "fassion" for young girls to have sex and drink alcohol as erarly as possable (the two probaly linked, what a suprise!) as thay would be an out-cast if thay didnt confome this unritten school rule ??? ......ps soz for any type'os...ect

Teens think if they do this it will be beter to fit it with a group and to make more friends if they only knew what could happen they would not do it.

be yourself cause that is the only way you will find out who your true friends are and if they don't want to know you they were not worth it in the first place.

If underage sex is considered fashion then its BAD fashion.
Part of growing up si being responsible. Remember accidents cause people. No birth control is 100% effective other than abstinence.

Why would somone consider youth sex as a fashion? They abviously weren't thinking! It's really bad to have sex when your not married yet and especially if your underaged! I know you may be under pressure sometimes, but don't get yourself into that kind of situation. Be strong, so you can be a great rome model!

Every generation has its share of goofballs who try to get people to think that it's cool to have sex and drink and get high. It's fueled by raging hormones and a lack of parental supervision/societal apathy.

The crap on TV, just the commercials even, continues to make these kids think sex is so casual and people do it all the time. It's been my experience that the ones who talk about it the most are really doing it the least.

Anybody who tries to get you to feel like you need to lose your virginity by such and such an age, or who wants you to do something else like get drunk etc. is just wanting someone to get in trouble with them so they don't feel so alone. Misery loves company. Practice saying no and standing up for yourself in the little things first. Like, say you want to go to Wendy's instead of McDonald's like everyone else. Sway the crowd or go alone. Try little stuff and then it's easier to speak your mind on the bigger things. You can also use humor like if someone offers you a joint, tell them no thanks my coach says i need to quit if i want to qualify for the olympics, a bottle of vodka? say, I already polished off a bottle of scotch, thanks anyway.

The only people it is "fashionable" for are older guys who are having sex with them. The older guys want some impressionable younger girl to take advantage of because they tend to be more naiive and trusting. It's also easier to peer pressure them and get them to do what the guys want. It happened a lot in my high school and is only expanding because kids start experimenting at a younger and younger age.

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