What is the recommended temp. for fridge & freezer?!
What is the recommended temp. for fridge & freezer?
For a freezer, you want it to be about 3 degrees F. You do not want 0 degrees because this will cause freezer burn to occur rapidly. Having it at 3 degrees will slow this process down 3 to 4 times. A fridge should be at 40 degrees F. At this temperature, bacteria and other harmful agents cannot survive. Anything warmer, bacteria and other agents can form and reproduce ruining foods. Anything colder may be to cold and cause things to freeze that you do not want frozen. So freezer 3 degrees and fridge 40 degrees.
My Sub-Zero recommends 0* F for the freezer, and 37* F for the fridge.
"They" say 40 degrees F or lower for a fridge and 0 degrees F or lower for a freezer...