Drinking and Partying as a Teenager?!


Drinking and Partying as a Teenager?

I have a group of guy friends that i party with almst every weekend, but am not in a relationship with any one of them(i am a girl) They are 17,16,16, and i'm 15. We all pretty uch hate beer and only drink hard liquor like rum and vodka though it is only around 40 proof or less. This weeked we are going to stay overnight on an island and we have some strong stuff that is around 70-80% alchohol. We know the dangers of drining so plz don't write telling me how its a bad choice and i know its illegal. I had a few questions though like can you swi while you are drunk or can it kill you if you onnly have a few shots of the strong stuff( I get drunk quite alot but ever puke-strong stomache) also, i have tried beating a hangover by staying awake ad ever going to sleep until its out of your system.It works for me but it makes me really hyper when i do this and have mood swings of beig really tired then really hyper. Also, does anyone know anything really fun to do whe ur drunk? LOL Thanks.

Yeah, take that swim. Better yet, why don't you drive around town after getting blasted? Then you can become another teenage statistic that thought they were more grown up than they are. I was a teenager that drank, and yes, I thought it was fun. I also used to party on an island at the lake w/ a bunch of guys--sound familiar? Don't underestimate what a bunch of drunk teenage guys can try to do to their only female "friend" on an island she can't easily get off of. I was lucky enough that ONE of those guys had a strait head about him and defended me...but if he wasn't there who knows what could have happened. And even then, I knew that if I went in the water I would not make it. Not to mention how many friends of mine lost their lives doing similar things....If you're gonna drink, fine, whatever, but don't be an IDIOT and put your life in danger. You say you know the dangers of drinking, but by your idiotic question about swimming and "what's fun to do"--it doesn't sound like you know to me.


You don't want to be lectured to, but you obviously don't understand the consequences of what you are doing. No wonder your generation is so messed up!!

Were you drunk when you wrote that or can you just not spell? And no, you can't swi while you are drunk.... whatever that means. You will just get drunk faster with the stronger stuff, and probably take your clothes off faster too. Have fun.

Just stay in shallow water just to be on the safe side. For fun you can go skinny dipping or streaking. And make up some of your own drinking games. It's more fun than playing old ones.

"Date rape" is a sad reality and it's usually because the unwilling participant was too drunk to know what was going on. Even worse, you won't be on a date... it'll be with 4 drunks against one drunk. Maybe you should think about goals that are a little more rewarding and respectable, than how often you get drunk, what to drink, drunk games, or hangover remedies. Not a lecture... just a suggestion. Have fun and be safe.

1st of 80% alcohol is 40 proof.
Second you are going to a beach with 3 other guys to get drunk and you are worried about what is going to happen to you if you go swimming!!!

HA HA HA HA good one.

Did you know most alcoholics start drinking at about your age and your drinking liquor every weekend? Say hello to liver disease for me when you see him.

um, yeah, just don't get raped..

if you drink enough you wont remember anyway, which is probally a good thing, every 1 needs 2 learn by there own mistakes

80% alcohol is the same as 40 proof, if u didnt know that, i wouldt b trying anything 2 extreme.

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