Will it affect you....?!


Will it affect you....?

How will the new smoking ban in England affect you in everyday life,i work in a pub and i am looking at taking a £2000 lost per week.

Your pub will be half full of whingeing holier than thou non smokers..poor you

I gave up smoking New Year, but I never really spent that much in pubs as I don't drink either.

I do know that my parents are thinking of giving up the ciggies and I guess that will contribute to pubs losses.

We thought that would happen here in California too when the smoking ban went into effect for the bars. It may have effected it temporarily but trust me, the bars are full, the people keep coming. I'm just wondering what will happen when they ban you from smoking outside...like in Beverly Hills and Calabasas, CA. Good luck.

i personally like a smoke-free environment.......as do most of my friends

only one person didn't come back to pub i work in after smoking ban in Scotland, and you get more gossip when you are outside for a ciggie

Sorry to hear that you may be taking such a finacial loss. It won't affect me because I drive a bus for a living and am an ex smoker.

We have the same thing in Canada,it really didn't make that much of a difference, not even in winter. As a smoker I find it really nice not to go into a smoke filled pub

i feel sorry for you . but i don't drink and i don't go shopping with my wife that much so I'm not bothered by it . but has long as people keep sitting back taking **** laws off this government we will just keep being walked over this so called England as no back bone.

we have it here in the republic of ireland over 3 years. looks like you are well behind us.

Our Lodge banned smoking even in the bar area but the bar made a place outside for the smokers, you should see them in the winter time, but no, we have not lost because of the smokers.

I cant wait for the no smoking ban. No more stinging eyes, no more smelly smokey hair or clothes, no more cig burns whilst dancing. Wahooooo!!!!!

I reside in Scotland and I was a "frequent flyer"most evenings after work to wind down with a few colleagues.
I have never entered a pub since the introduction of the ban, and my friends go rarely.
If you are in the South you might be lucky due to the weather being better, but I refuse to stand outside a pub like some skulking school child waiting for the headmaster to call him in!

I don't smoke and thankfully most of my friends don't so the smoking ban will be good news for us. We'll be able to go out for the night and not come back stinking of smoke. It might even encourage us to go out more often

I don't live in England, we have those bans in the United States as well. I am a smoker and do believe there are pros and cons to these bans.
I think it should be the decision of the establishment owner.
Let that person decide and if it happens to be a smoking establishment and you do not like smoke, do not go in.
If it is non-smoking and you can't refrain from smoking, stay out.
I don't think it is right that these owners and employees are effected by this mandatory ban, it is ridiculous.
Probably won't be long and cig's will be illegal, how crazy.

Your a bar owner Right?
Hey cheer up there are new restrictions about smoking ON the movies I mean the actors depicted.
Smoking is a lost effort to continue.
Find a way to get people and their cars home without getting a DUI. you can charge an extra for the service--- a dude with a bike or scooter that attaches to the bumper--- leave the drunk on their private property,,, scooter back to the bar....?
Yea I could provide sketch ideas.
Smoking stinks anyhow.

Wont bother me one bit.

i work in a hotel and i dont think it will afect us, it will be heaven and i cant wait to work ina smoke free enviroment my health sure will improve.

i think it will hit business at first but i think once ppl are used to it they will drift back. all you can do is make sure you create a nice out door space for smokers, im sure u have seen all the stuff in the catalogues and for the winter how about some of those outdoor heaters they look quite classy.??

plus i think more ppl will give up i know alot of smokers do it for social aspect .

other countries and parts of the uk seem to be doing fine from it.

also think of your staff.......

i also work in a bar/pub i might be looking at losing my job.

It won't effect me in the summer months, we can just toke away outside in the sun instead.

I guess I'll just have to become a massive winter party host during the winter months, and invite all my friends to lots of parties, they are smokers too.

i will just go out when nessesary. like a special occasion but ithink ill be outside more than inside. i think it would of been better to have smoking and no smoking pubs,for the coca cola drinkers.----=----we know smoking is bad for us but you have the choice wether to or not.what will they ban next maybe drinking.

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