Don't you think it's ridiculous?!


Don't you think it's ridiculous?

I was in a good mood and went down to the ASDA shop and trying to buy some beer. but the check out guy refused to sell them to me if i don't show my passport or driving licience. this only because he think i am look like under 21.. but for god sake i am 33.. all i want is the drink..

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2 weeks ago
18 was able to drink alchohl but buy them is 21, and started since april this sucks,

2 weeks ago
18 was able to drink alchohl but buy them is 21, and started since april this sucks,

Ridiculous? Yes. It happened to me at 37. I went home and returned with my I.D. The clerk almost wet herself in embarrassment.

you should be happy that you look young for your age!

You lucky sod!

Same thing happened to me when I went to Sainsburys. I didn't know whether to be flattered or annoyed.

But you look so young for your age, so at least you got that from ASDA. : )
PS Was he trying to chat you up?

you should of complained more i would have the store up

In years to come you'll be thankful for him thinking you were underage, but not right now obviously.

Had a similar experience years ago got refused beer in a pub was very embarrasing I was 23 at the time and with my girlfriend

That is not on at all! I went into Sainsburys once in Nottingham and we tried to buy some beer. My cousin was buying so he went to pay for it and the bloke asked for ID - my cousin is 28! - so he replied, "No, but I have got a mortgage" which cracked the till bloke up and he let us go!

All the check out guy wants is not to go to jail.He's just doing his job. Cut him some slack

ASDA in the UK? You only have to be 18 to purchase alcohol in the UK.

I'd guess that while annoying, most women in their mid thirties wouldn't mind being mistaken for an under 21 year old one little bit.

As i barman i ID people all the time, sometimes for the power, sometimesto get a girls details (if she is cute), but mainly if i beleive they are under 21. £5000 fine now

They have organizations that go around to liquor stores ect....and see if they card the person. If they don't they receive a red card, which means if this happens alot an establishment can lose their distribution license. They are just doing there job to cover their behind.

Its the law. It can be aggravating, in his view, you being angry is better than him getting fired. Respect the law, its his job to uphold it.

That is not uncommon here. A gas station or store will not sell cigarettes or alcohol without an ID regardless of age.
i.e. there was a guy who was obviously about 70-80 years old trying to buy cigarettes in front of me at a gas station.
ok he's clearly over 18, he looked like he was gonna keel over dead in front of me!
the cashier REFUSED to sell him the cigs cuz he didnt have an ID.
I walked up to the register asked for a pack of cigs, didnt even card me!!!! oh was I mad... Im only 27!!! Tell me thats not fugged up... I think people are just rude sometimes when it comes to selling liquor or cigs. they think, oh I can get away with it, haha, i dont have to.

not really its the law, they are just covering them selves.
you should feel flattered

You should be flattered. But i know what you mean, everytime I went to buy some beer for awhile i got carded myself. but in turn it does kinda make you feel good, but it is annoying at times. i am 45, but look 10 years younger everyone tells me. take care. if you would like someone to chat with give me a yell. take care Tony

Alot of stores proof you if you look under 40.

yeah its kinda ridiculous......why don't u just show your passport and license to the man and he'll let you buy a drink...

i guess you're lucky for this kinda compliment, but alcohol is bad for you anyways

It's not ridiculous.It's the law and his job.
You are a forever young.Be happy and have fun.

1. He doesn't want to be fined.
2. Be flattered honey - in time you'll wish they carded you.
3. Don't get upset over something so trivial - it's a big waste of good energy.

Last time I was carded, I kissed the guy and proposed to him. Enjoy it!

I understand your pain. It hurts man! I get ID'd for fags for f@cks sake!

I card people at work. Sometimes they get pissed. Dude, take it as a compliment while you still can and remember your ID next time.

be happy you look young enough, go to another shop next time

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