Did you have as much to drink as me last night?!


Did you have as much to drink as me last night?

I got so slaughtered I can't remember what I drank,
I won't know til I go downstairs and look in the bin
Haven't got to get up for another 2 hours but I can't sleep
What did you drink last night

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Getting drunk one night ain't gonna ruin my life Mr Goody two shoes below
Some people are so dramatic aren't they

2 weeks ago
Just went downstairs and it was a Bottle of Blossom Hill, 2 small Becks and 3 cans of Fosters

2 weeks ago
Getting drunk one night ain't gonna ruin my life Mr Goody two shoes below
Some people are so dramatic aren't they

2 weeks ago
Just went downstairs and it was a Bottle of Blossom Hill, 2 small Becks and 3 cans of Fosters

What did you finish for?

I haven't gone to bed yet.



if only i could remember too, lmfao, maybe you should look to kill your curiosity

Well, aren't you proud of Yourself!

Go on and mess up your life. You will regret it later.

It's isn't cool or wise at all.

I don't even want to drink. I want to take care of my body and mind.

I have self respect and morals.

I drank Black Cherry Vanilla Coca-Cola and later on had a Chocolate Soy Milk. Drinking anything with alcohol is rare.

Maybe you should get help!

i'm like this regularly - i find it best not to look in the bin, that way you can always convince yourself it wasnt all that much.

Nope. At least you didn't do it in public! LOL

Probably not.

Get drunk again, it's the only way.

no, but I bet my sis in law did and she overdosed this am about 1:00. Her boyfriend found her and he is in jail. She had some "snacks" with her liquour. She will be creamted this week after the autopsy. Be careful,,,,,,,,

nope............i only drink on weekends

I had a pint of cider, pint of beer and 2 glasses wine.

last night? same as about tonight...a LOT of beers..... u still up? call me.......lol

im drinking now!!!can of miller then maybe another and another not sure!(i work nights so i no its early for you not for me!its your evening if u no what i mean)which blossom hill? i like the blue and the rose hope work isnt too bad for you

Unfortunately no, I had to drive so I only had a small glass of White Zinfandel wine. Will make up for it at the weekend though!

two small bottles of stella,

If thats all it took to get you so razzled I don't think you have anything to worry about.

No, I'm on a diet at the moment.
Don't think badly of me
How I envy you.

Some yummy Hardys sparkling stuff! Only had a couple of glasses but gave me a wretched hangover - must be getting old!!

Nothing - I don't drink during the week.

Luckily, my "weekend" starts on a Thursday night - hurray!!! lol

hi i had one whisky and ginger !

i started early this am, whole heineken mini keg, and a quarter of a fifth of jack daniels single barrel. i just woke up feeling like poo.

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