How do i stop?!


How do i stop?

i'm turning 13 in august && i already drink. i got drunk like a week ago && got in a huge fight with my best guy friend. i woke up the next morning && didnt know about it. how do i stop drinking??

I started drinking at your age, and I did turn out to be an alcoholic. Of course, I never thought that would happen. Nobody starts out PLANNING to become a drunk.

By age 15 I was drinking daily. By 18 I was sleeping with men I didn't know. By 28 I was blacking out and not remembering what I did the night before. At 38 I hit bottom, and I can tell you, you do not want to live the way I was living at that point. I wish I could get those 25 years of my life back. I'm 47 now, sober in AA, and I'm happy now but those were 25 awful years, I can tell you. So can my kids. They are about your age.

I wish that someone had told me the warning signs when I was your age. Maybe I would have been able to stop before things got so far. So here you go:

Can you hold your liquor really well? Can you drink with the guys? Warning sign if yes.

When you start drinking and you catch a buzz, do you get this feeling like you just have to keep going? Warning sign if yes.

Do you ever black out when you drink? I do not mean pass out (go unconscious), I mean black out, where you are still walking around doing things you cannot remember. BIG warning sign if yes. HUGE warning sign.

If you are having these signs then you might want to get help now. DO NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM. That is BS of the highest order and I am living proof of it.

I got sober in Alcoholics Anonymous. In my area we have meetings for young people. People your age go to them and to other meetings also. Look it up in the phone book. But please don't chose the path I took, whatever you do.

Just stop if you need help go to aa or go talk to a school cousnelor or your parents or older siblings.

Here's the ugly, honest truth. You immediately sit your parents down and tell them. You need their help to enlist the help of a professional. I am sure this is not what you wanted to hear and I really don't care about thumbs down. You asked and I am honestly telling you. Seek professional help and above all ---- do NOT put yourself into a situation socially where you even suspect someone may have alcohol. The first step you've already made, because you admit it's a problem.

easy - don't do it.

You're not an alcoholic (not yet anyway) so don't walk down that road.

Maybe you need to change the poeple you're hanging out with. Maybe you should drink soda instead...say you don't like the taste of beer.

If you haven't drank in a week, your not addicted to alcohol. You need to use your own self control to decide not to drink.

lol just stop you drunken idiot. get a life! or find some new parents who actually give a damn what their 13 year old little girl does. You need some serous counseling. You really need to hear this for your own good, GET HELP NOW.

First of all, how did you start drinking so young?! that is crazy! you should have enough will power to just quit. i mean for goodness sake your only 12 years old!
if you cant do it alone you need to talk to your parents. i know it may be hard but look at the path your already on at such a young age, drinking to the point of not remembering the things that happen is VERY irresponisble.
You need to get help and FAST!

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