Drinking question?!


Drinking question?

When you drink alot the night before... how do you feel at work the next day and how do you get by not looking like you are still messed up .... how do you not smell like alcohol.....

drink heaps of water when i wake up, swallow a few pain killers, eat a big bacon and egg brekkie, dive in the shower, then stick sunnies on and don't take them off all day, suck mints and wish i was home in bed.

Take a nice long shower and drink plenty of water. You'll still feel like carp but at least you won't look it.

Drink lotsa water while you are drinking, and have a greasy breakfast to lubricate your guts. Then keep drinking water.

for me it's always been to drink lots of cold water and a few aspirins. Always did the trick for me. Some Visine too, if you need it.

I work for myself.

I usually feel/look ok the next day after drinking. But some tips I've heard from others:

1. Drinks made with vodka won't give you such bad breath
2. Drink a lot of water in between drinks. If you don't do that, then drink 32 ounces of water before going to bed.
3. Eat something with an even stronger smell, like garlic and onions...curry smells really strong, to drown out the alcohol smell.
4. Cucumber slices on your eyes reduces puffiness and visine helps with redness.

hope that helps.


I feel fine...I am immune to hangovers. Unfortunately, I drink like a fish because of it.

HOWEVER, from observing others, I suggest taking a very thorough shower and an extra aggressive tooth-brushing. Eat mints all day to keep the breath fresh, and wear a strong deodorant, re-applied as needed through the day.

Use visine for the red eyes, and cold compresses or Preparation H for under eye bags.

Always drink water while drinking alcohol. Before you go to bed take a vitamin B-complex, this helps clean your system. And also take 2 ibuprofen. And drink lots of water when you wake up too. The shower mentioned before also helps. I learned the b-complex trick from my husband who will drink half the night when he cant sleep then have to get up for work in the morning.

drink 2 red bull, and you will be alright till the evening

drink water and take some tylenol before you go to bed - next day brush good but remember it is in your system - eat something with garlic or onions to cover it up. Quiche with lots of onions!!! -

i try n drink a bloody mary in the am .......you know hair of the dog.. j/k that just pro longs the hang over

1. take a bottle of water to bed......

2. SLEEP i cannot stres it enough sleep....i hate being hung over or still drunk while at work the next day

3. vitamin water that stuff is soo good the day after they even have onemade esp. for hang overs

4 take a shower and brush those pearly whites

5. greasy breakfast is a key to this concotion- eggs home fries sausage & toast

6 more water

7. dont make direct eye contact with the boss lol

Haha.. I learned this trick in college. Before you start drinking, set out two ibuprofen and a multivitamin with a glass of water that way you don't forget to get them. But them in a place that you know you'll see them!! If you can remember by the time you finish drinking, take the ibuprofen and the multivitamin before bed and drink the entire glass of water! Make sure you shower really well when you get up and brush your teeth and tongue really well. Keep your deodorant and body spray/cologne with you all day, just in case you need them. Splash some cold water on your face periodically throughout the day for an instant refresher.

Take a shower, drink lots of fluids, drink a beer and brush your teeth.

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