How do you get a cork out of a bottle of wine that wont come out???!


How do you get a cork out of a bottle of wine that wont come out???

i have tried a cork screw, tried pushing the cork into the bottle help

smash the bottle!!

then go to the off-licence for more plonk!

sometimes you have to dig it out in little pieces and strain the wine!

last time that happened to me a grabbed a knife and stabbed at it for a while, not very nice because i had little pieces of cork floating around in my wine...................I'm sure there has to be a better way tho if there is I'd love to know as well

Did you have it in the freezer? This often poses a problem. If you can't get a corkscrew to work, you may try returning it if you can and it's not a special bottle. They should either be able to offer assistance or replace it.

It is frustrating isn't it? I even opt to by the individual wines that have twist off caps, or even a good boxed wine (if there is such a thing)

Well last time it happened to me, I took a shish kabab wooden skewer and made a whole eventually through the cork. I was able to pour it but it came out like a drop at a time and took a half an hour to pour a glass.

It happens to all of us!

Just leave it be, it's trying to tell you something!

pour the wine into another bottle, the cork will float to the top of the wine and then strain it. I know it is a pain, next time get a screw off top.

dig it out and pick the cork pcs with teezers. next is get the air driven remover the bartenders use or the mechanical one

Well if you don't care much for the bottle, get a bucket and smash it into the bucket/bowl and drain it with a seive to separate the glass particles, make sure it's a very fine seive otherwise you could end up cutting up your throat =/

Pass it over I'll do it for you.

pushing it in is the best option. try again, use the end of a utensil like a spoon(handle end). as you push down with your "tool" it will pull the sides of the cork in a little and help release it. If it's still stuck try running the tip of a small paring knife under the edge of the cork and push down with the spoon again.

Get a twizzer and stick it in the cork, then twist it a few times, and pull it out slowly.

Ugh. Once you push the cork all the way into the bottle, there's not a whole lot you can do from there to make it better. About the only thing you can do at that point is finish the bottle. Pour the wine through a small wire mesh strainer to catch any cork bits.

Try inserting a screw or nail into the cork and then use the claw side of a hammer to lever the cork out. You'll need to be very careful not to break the bottle or spill any wine though, because you might have to tilt the bottle on its side.

though it might not work on a cork that has been "screwed into" but i use a corker that injects air into the bottle to remove the cork, you just stick it in press the button and the cork pops out.

Have you got a skewer?
Or a sailor's needle.

I've got a Swiss Army penknife with a thing for getting Boy Scouts out of horses hooves. I'll lend it to you if you give me a glug !!

Best of luck by the way - silly old me

Freeze the neck of the bottle using ice, wrapping the rest of the bottle in tea-towels to insulate.

When the neck is very cold and frosty, carefully apply a pair of pliers that you have pre-heated on the gas stove. The rapid temperature change will (hopefully!) cause a clean fracture of the whole neck of the bottle, allowing you to carefully pour the wine into another receptacle.

Take a lot of care of care using heated instruments, and ensure that the glass has not shattered into the wine.


This happened to me with a rubber stopper in a bottle of red....In my desperation to get it out, I made a hole, but it wouldn't budge, and the air was getting through....after a few days, I threw it away!

Hammer and know what to do!lol


a knive will work best.. chop it up... use a coffee filter to strain the cork chunks out

unless your very lucky it wont be possible to push it in as the air sealed inside will only compress so much and the liquid not at all. you could try knocking two skewers down the edges of the bottle and cork opposite each other ( ie on a diameter of the cork) these might have enough purchase to pull the cork out try to bend them at the top so as to spring out a little into the bottle.

also worth considering how good the wine is going to be if the cork is fused ! if you are not desperate and could take it back thats probably best

if your determined to get to the wine ( or vinegar ) and the skewers dont work hack the cork out with a knife and strain the wine to remove corky bits

Other suggestions are good (esp push it down and straing). To avoid this problem, the best way to get a bottle open IMO is to use the CO2 Needle opener. You push the needle through the cork and push on the CO2 cartridge. this pops the cork out right quick.

take it back to the shop and get them to change it as it faulty...I had a bottle of pink champagne from asda and the cork wouldn't pop so my boyfriend took ti back and they gave him a new one lol which thankfully opened!!

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