Does having 4 drinks a day make you a alcoholic?!


Does having 4 drinks a day make you a alcoholic?

If you have 4 drinks a day because it is just a routine and you look forward to it after work, then I think its fine. If you feel you need those 4 drinks to calm yourself down or if you feel you are on edge if you dont have them, then its a problem.

Yeah if you half to drink even one drink a day then you have a problem.

No your fine, I drink a case of beer a day on average, I don't consider myself an alcoholic I consider myself a drunk. Remember alcoholics go to meeting.

yes. you can only drink on the weekends and be classified as an alcoholic. you may want to seek counseling. drinking doesn't solve any kind of issue.

It all depends on your attitude. If you go home and don't drink are you on edge or unhappy? If so then yes, if you can go all day without a drink and not be a miserable human being then no

I don't know... if you eat 4 pieces of cake a day, does that make you a fat *** ??? It's all in how you perceive it ! DO you think you are an alcoholic ??? If so, then you probably are ! If family and friends seem to think you need help... they are probably right as well !

I just took a health class. They say that 5 in one sitting is binge drinking. Having 4 drinks a day doesn't make you an alcoholic, but being dependent on 4 drinks a day to function makes you an alcoholic.

If you can't go with out those 4 drinks then yes, otherwise you're fine.

If it does, this country is filled with alcoholics.


I don't know what the official definition of alcoholism is or how you would define it. Personally 4 drinks a day seems like a lot. Nevertheless, consider the following. 1-2 drinks each days has been shown to have certain health benefits. Especially as it relates to heart disease. 4 or more drinks a day starts to create health problems. The more you drink each day over 4, the more you are harming your health.

I suggest avoiding any labels like "alcoholic." They can be convenient but are not always useful. Consider something more tangible, like your health.

There isn't any real scientific evidence about drinking.(Plenty of studies, not much "science.") However, in general, experts consider one drink a day positive for your health, or at least neutral, and two drinks negative, meaning you're worse off than not drinking. I think the vast majority of experts would agree that four drinks per day is unhealthy.

So, I think this is the wrong question. Consider asking, am I better off drinking 4 drinks per day, drinking less or drinking more (let's be open-minded about this).

Drinking with friends is fun, it tastes good, and usually nmakes us feel good. In the short term, we may feel better off. What about the long term? Experts believe we'll be worse off at 4 drinks per day, considered "heavy" drinkers. Do your own scientific "study" and observe people who are long-term heavy drinkers and compare if they're better off than the people who drink moderately or lightly (2, 1, or less per day). You might consider doing this "study" with a variety of friends to get different perspectives, then assess the results and decide what's right for your life.

If you don't care about your health or long term consequences of what you're doing today, then you shouldn't care about the "alcoholic" label. It's you're life. It's up to you to manage it as you please.

It makes you a heavy drinker. If you have to have them, and you avoid situations where you can't . . . try AA.

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