Is wkd fizzy/sparkling?!
Is wkd fizzy/sparkling?
Yes it is. Awful stuff. I hate that advert with the 2 blokes and the dog photo. No geezer will ever drink it.
yes it is
fizzy, would love one now with lots of ice - im roasting!
yep its rotten, its tastes like the blue melted mr freeze!!
I love the stuff and yes its fizzy
Its Fizzy
Yes it is.
Put some port in a blue one & its a cheeky vimto :D
Yeah go for the red one it's lushness!
Yes and the only way you should drink it is get two pint glasses with ice and divide a blue WKD, an orange bacardi breezer and a smirnoff ice between them both. The result is toxic green but tastes great and gets you sozzled from the toes up.. I believe it is called a Fat Frog.
The cheeky vimto idea above is also a good option (lethal though!)
it is, and it's not worth drinking.