Why do old people like sherry?!


Why do old people like sherry?

Helloo, I am just watching the oldest people in the world on channel 4 and it has re-kindled a question that I have always wanted to know-why do old people like sherry?

Was it the equivalent to Vodka or Bacardi or Brandy in their early years?(Dot Branning(eastenders) also likes a sherry) or do you get to a certain age when you think F$CK IT!! I have reached the age where I must drink sherry? beyond a certain age is sherry the only acceptable tipple? because I can tell you when and if I reach 70 I still wanna be drinking Stella and Bacardi but maybe I have just created a paradox because if I keep on drinking Stella and Bacardi I wont make it to 70 anyway, Santa enjoys a sherry, what is it with the bloody sherry?

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2 days ago
Man of Kent, you are obviously a "Man of condescending Cun£" get a grip you bloody alcoholic, for your own smarmy reference I do not only drink beer and cheap rum I am a social drinker and at times also enjoy a Corvorsier and when I can afford it on a celabratory occasion a nice bottle of Moet, when you have got off your wine buff pedestal you will realise that not everyone can afford or want to drink like little lord Fauntolroy, and do not correct me on my spelling you fuckin6 twa6


I don't think they do not really, it's a tradition isn't it with the more mature. My Mum used to have a Sherry at Xmas and she hated it! Why do people put it in the trifle?? Gross!!!!!
Gradually it will fade out as all the people who have grown up with this tradition will be gone, quite sad really, better to have traditions than commercial rubbish.

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