I stopped drinking las night at around 11:30 had 4 sparks and 2 light vodka drinks, will i pass a breath test!
I stopped drinking las night at around 11:30 had 4 sparks and 2 light vodka drinks, will i pass a breath test
Im a female about 5'6 140lbs if that matters and sparks are 1 pint and contain 6% alcohol, the test woul be between 6 and 8 tonite
Additional Details20 hours ago
m a female about 5'6 140lbs if that matters and sparks are 1 pint and contain 6% alcohol, the test woul be between 6 and 8 tonite This is NOT a question about driving and passing, i have to go to a class tonite and they may test me, i know my driving level will be fine after 19 hours but the class leader told us if we drink the night before he will know and breath test us.
You should be fine. If your liver processes something like 1 drink per hour (I think that's what the standard is) the alcohol should have been out of your system by about 6-7am this morning. Good luck