What is up with the pour spout?!
What is up with the pour spout?
I've been buying my fav tequila, Herradura Reposado in Mexico. The bottles come with these weird pour spouts that I just don't get. I have to remove the two plastic pieces and the little ball to get the thing to pour. I assume they serve a purpose or why go to the trouble to put them in there. I just can't figured out what it is.
Security, in Mexico about 40% of the spirits are fake, in many cases open bottles (no pour spout) will be re-filled right there in the bar with a cheaper spirit... to pour just tourn the bottle and hit it in the back and tequila will come out.
im not positive what you are describing, but im thinking that the spout is a measurer. you tip the bottle and only a certain amount comes out (one ounce probably). you have to put it upright again, then tip again to get more out (one ounce again). its made that way
if there is a ball in it, its probably to measure out shot (1 oz) amounts. makes it easy for bartenders to pour the right amount of liquer into drinks without having to measure.