Are you an ALCOHOLIC????????????!


Are you an ALCOHOLIC????????????

if so, why? and for how long have you been?

and if not, do you truly enjoy being sober more than being intoxicated?

best answer for a best answer. =)

I am a recovering alcoholic. I got sober a little over 9 years ago in Alcoholics Anonymous. Before sobriety I drank for 25 years, from age 13 to age 38.

Before I got sober, a typical day looked like this: Wake up still drunk/hungover from previous night. Attempt to remember what happened to cause the bruises all over legs. Have massive panic attack and take Xanax to calm down. Tell self not to drink again. Talk self out of it and start to drink. Get in huge fight with husband. Fall down the stairs and walk into a door. Call friends in the middle of the night in a blackout. Eventually pass out.

This was not fun.

My current life is much different. I always wake up knowing what happened the night before. I never fall down or make an *** of myself. I never have hangovers. My friends never have to remind me that I called them the night before, drunk, to tell them some obnoxious story. I can work again (oh yeah, I forgot to mention I couldn't do my job anymore because of my alcoholism), I love my job and my marriage is wonderful. I also get to help other people get sober, which gives my life a sense of purpose and meaning. My own pain has allowed me to help others to heal. What could possibly be better?

So yes, I truly, absolutely, without doubt, prefer sobriety to being intoxicated.

Oh . . . as to why I am an alcoholic, I don't know and I don't care. Let other people argue about the disease vs. bad habit stuff. All I care about is that I am sober today!

My dad was an alcoholic so i try not to drink too much.

I suffer with anxiety,so that tends to make me drink before doing something that makes me nervous so i guess that isnt good.

i'm not an alcoholic!!!!!!! i like not beeing one too!!!!!!!!

I suggest you check up on what an alcoholic is.

Enjoying being drunk does not make you an alcoholic, any more than enjoying being sober makes you tea total.

Alcoholism is DEPENDANCY on alcohol, and that does not mean having to get drunk every night.

It also means that those who go out occasionally and get drunk are still NOT alcoholics.

Nope! I'm in college, so naturally people assume that I drink all of the time. I have definitely tried it a few times, but I really don't enjoy the taste of ANY type of alcohol, and being drunk simply makes me feel dizzy and sick. I can have a fun time without it.

Yes, I am. I am a 12 year recovering alcoholic. Notice I didn't say cured. You don't get a magic pill for this one. It takes work, self control, and a great support system to succeed. Why did I become one? Long story. Best answer would be that I was self medicating to kill the pain of a bad marraige, abuse as a child, and feeling like a failure. I got sober, I got divorced, and I saw a counselor. I am not the same human being anymore. At least today I am not...who knows about tomorrow?

I love to drink whiskey! but im not an alcoholic. Dependancy sucks.

I'm married to a Marine, an IRISH Marine =| So I have no choice but to drink too! HAHA. We're not alkies, but it is fun to drink around friends. We've been to parties where the hosts don't drink ANY TYPE of alcohol. Let me tell you!!!!! They suck! Anyway, the point is, I enjoy being sober because life with my family is so perfect. I like being buzzed or a bit drunk-ish because it losens me up more. I'm not too shy when I've been drinking. People seem to talk more and enjoy the good times they are having.

I'm not an alcoholic.

In general, I do enjoy being sober more than being drunk. When I go to the beach or a park or the movies, I'd much rather be sober. But then there are the weekends, and yah, I drink. I get drunk maybe once every two weeks or so, which could seem excessive to some, but hey, I'm in college...

Mostly, if I'm around drunk people, I have the desire to drink because its really no fun being the only sober one. It's a tad bit annoying. Fortunately, most of my friends aren't heavy drinkers, although a few just turned 21, so they're definitely taking full advantage.

Sober > drunk, 90% of the time.

i'm not an alcoholic, i don't drink regularly but when i do i really enjoy it. i don't think you need to be intoxicated to enjoy yourself but sometimes it does help!

Sorry my freind no, at the moment i dont drink at all i use to get weasted at each events i went to than one day i felt that alcohol was controlling my life & geting out my worst personality & not ves versa so i decided to say enough for drinking I know feel free belive me drinking doesnt solve anything only when u think clear than u will be able to solve ur problem.

Why cant you let people suffer their liver diseases in peace like everybody else? Why not ask it in another part of Yahoo! answers and let us enjoy our lives.


alcoholics usually do not realise or admit they are alcoholocs... that would be already a great start!

I was, but gave it up 17 years ago, and do not miss it at all.

I'm not an alcoholic, I consider myself to being a drunk, Alcoholic's go to meetings. I truly drink on average a case of beer a day, For years, I'm not proud of the fact just honest about it. I start drinking as soon as I wake up till I go back to sleep about 15 hours later, Good luck in finding honest answer's.


I'm not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings; I don't.
I'm just a good old fashioned drunk.

No, I'm just an occasional alcoholic drinker. <*-*>

Yes I'm an big deal get in the moaning and bang one back. take a shower get a little nosh; throw a few more back before you face the world; a few at lunch usually helps;finish up my work day; come home a two or three; eat some dinner; have six before bed. Works for me no pain makes all the A-holes in my life more tolerable.don'tont bother me one bit if don'tont bother you . and frankly don'tont givedammamm who likes it
at leaI'm im happy; more then i can say for most folks

Im not an alcoholic but i do like to drink on the weekends occasionally. Me and friends will go to clubs and have drinks there. I beleive an alcoholic is a person that needs to have a drink everyday, and im not talking about wine which we all know is good for the heart. If you drink everyday of the week then i think you might have a problem. And im not talking bout like 1 beer or so.. im talking about maybe 3 or 4 a day every day of the week..Just doesnt seem normal to me that some1 can drink that much for no reason at all...

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