How much should i have to drink tonight as am going to a bbq?!


How much should i have to drink tonight as am going to a bbq?

not working tomorrow

Just be sure to stop before you fall down, pass out, or throw up.. And don't drink and drive!


go alll outtttt

Seeing as you no work tommorow why not drink until you can see through time?

Depends if you are driving home or not
If you are...not too much
If not.....HAVE FUN!


depends on if you're driving. If you're not, have at it and enjoy,but don't get clumsy and stupid. No one wants to see that. Have fun...wish I could come too. I'd just have a few glasses of wine.

until you make an *** of your self?

as much as you want. to avoid a hangover drink about a pint of water per two pints when you get home. it really works

have as much as you like
have one or six for me as i cant right now as 5 months pregnant
have a great night mate

Then have as much as you want if you do not work tommorow but you don't want to over do it and be the only drunk person at the bbq just belnd in with the rest if you see people getting really drunk catch up if you start feeling a little buzz before everyone else then slow down.

a couple beers? a bbq doesn't strike me as a place to get plastered, though it might depend on which people and how many are going to be there.

Well, you're not working tomorrow which is good. Just have as much as you feel comfortable with. you don't want to be the guest at the barbecue that gets wasted and embarrasses themselves. But still, nice weather and a few burgers means a good couple of pints I think. Wish I was going too!!!!

Well first make sure you can spend the night or someone is driving you home. Then drink you patootie off!

i would say 2 glasses but it depends on how much you weigh

As much as you enjoy without becoming "drunk and disorderly."Enjoy yourself.

What!! Why don't you ask your Mummy!!! You should drink only as much as your body can handle. Stop when you feel happy.

As little as possible. Better for health

Me too! Have loads!!!!!!

as much as possible, its summertime

i'd say a cup or two but dont drink and drive PLEASE!!!!!!!! if you feel dizzy sit down and stop drinking! i would encourage you not to get to that level!!!!!! it doesn't matter where you are, work or not, dont get drunk!

enough to enjoy it, not too much that you loose control of yourself. you should know your own limit.

Weather your working tomorrow or not, more then a couple is to much. the object is to have a good time, enjoy other peoples company eat some neat food, and not wake up with a hang over, pregnant or some other problem you wish you didn't have. And make a total fool of your self.

keep going till the cops throw you into the back of the police van.

look my freind drink as much as u like. make sure there is somebody who takes it easy 2 get u home safe. have a good 1

Well, that's a no brainer - :) you can drink all the water, soda, lemonade, you want, you can even drink iced tea and you will feel absolutely fantastic tomorrow, since you don't have to go to work. You will be able to enjoy the time off and do something fun with a favorite friend or relative.

If you have to ask here, you are obviously planning to drink too much. If you are the life of the party, please don't cause a death on the way home.
Designated on the bathroom floor, whater.........just please don't drive drunk.

If you really need to ask, maybe you should not drink at all,but seriously,as long as you don't drive,its always a good idea to stop when you pass out. But it is bad manners to drink more than you contribute.

well it dpends if there are going to be children there, but if not, still i would say untill you have a buzz on! plus nobody likes hangovers!!

bro wen u get there pick the girl u find ugliest and start drinkin when tht girl starts seemin pretty stop, this way u wont have a hangover the nxt day but most prob have a good time

enjoy yourself , but drink plenty of water to to stop dehydrating.

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