Normal to have to use Red Bull to restart heart while gettin toasty (drunk)?!


Normal to have to use Red Bull to restart heart while gettin toasty (drunk)?

I've noticed lately that when I'm out drinkin, towards the end of the night, it'll feel like my heart is either caving in, or trying to stop working. What usually cures this is drinking a Red Bull down quickly.
Only thing is, last night, I had to drink 4 or 5 of them over the course of 3 hrs to do this, when it's usually just one or two.

Oh Honey, that doesn't sound good.

If your heart is tired the worst thing that you could do is give it something to work harder with.

I wouldn't do the Red Bull thing. Try taking asprin. It thins your blood and it flows easier.

Stop that!?! Maybe you should slow do a bit with the drinking thing.

Alcohol's a sedative; Red Bull's a stimulant. First of all, you shouldn't mix the two, that's bad for your heart in and of itself. Second, if you're drinking so much that you think your heart is stopping, you're killing yourself -- slowly or quickly. So in answer to your question, no, it's not normal. You have an alcohol problem and are seriously harming yourself!

Nothing is normal about restarting a heart. Its called a medical emergency.

My God, no wonder George Bush is President. With more screwballs like you in the world...we will go the way Rome went.
For God's sake..GROW UP

To much Flying Bulls ie Red Bull and Vodka may have you in hospital. take care!

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