Eating before drinking beer / spirits?!


Eating before drinking beer / spirits?

does the amount of food eaten before drinking contribute to the SICKNESS feeling?

Yes it does. When you have 2 shots of hard alcohol and 2 glasses of beer, your body sends out neurochemicals. These chemicals called serotonin and GABA mix with the proprionic and malonic acid in your stomach. When they mix in too much excess, your body sends a lot to the blood stream, and impairs some oxygen flow to the brain. For the above alcohol consumed, the maximum food inatke without sickness is about 900 Calories, which is like 2 burgers. If you drink less, than you can eat more. Hope this helps.

sure does. and type

If you have some food before drinking it delays and slows down the alcohol from getting on your system. If you drink on an empty stomach then you get drunk quicker, but it's not a good thing to do. It's better to have some food before drinking and to drink sensibly.

Some foods react differently to alcohol, it depends on how your body breaks down foods and how it breaks down certain spirits and beers. If you drink with nothing in your stomach, alcohol will sting/burn you stomach lining, so if you drink a lot it will make you feel sick. But if you eat a full meal before you drink, your stomach lining will absorb the alcohol with the food making it easier and not causing any pain/stinging. It could also cause reactions between certain foods that don't sit well in your stomach causing the pain.

all my life, ive drank beer. i know how much to drink and the results. i dont have hangovers, and i dont get sick. i drink anything else, and its all of the above. the only thing ive found that helps is downing a raw egg before drinking. thats if your going to party hard. it only takes a couple of seconds and it beats the alternative.

Well I know if you drink on an empty stomach, you get sicker much quicker. Also if you eat a really rich meal and then drink you can get really sick.

I think you're getting a little obsessed,don't you?

Sure does, what goes down might come up. But better to drink on food than an empty stomach - i'm told..............

Yep the more you eat, well wot a mess :D

depends what you eat, how much you eat
and what you drink and how much you drink..

having said all that...and it wasnt easy to say i can tell you..

its said "not to drink on an empty stomach"

i always ignored that rule...

and regretted it.....

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