What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?!


What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

midori sour

i dont like alcoholic beverages

I don't drink but if I did it would be wine! But I still wont and don't drink! God Bless!

"Irish Car Bombs" AKA "Belfast Car Bombs" I hate the names because I hate the actual fighting taking place but damn.... great drink. Gotta down it super fast fast though, so it doesn't curdle. (Half pint Guinness, an oz of Jamison whiskey, 1/2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream.) Can't go wrong with a little rum & Coke or even a Jack & Coke, either.

My dad has let me try some of his drinks...just so he can trust me to not have urges to go get drunk out of the house..i really like margaritas...my all-time fave drink is this strawberry mango margarita at the olive garden

Liquor= Amaretto Sours or just a light beer

rusty nail or planters punch

Tia Maria and Grand Marnier. ~

the quickF#*k it has midori and kahlua it is yuuuummmmoooo!
i like vodka and lemon squash (lift) and vodka and passionfruit soda (pasito/ passiona)
vodka red cordial and sprite
tia maria and milk


crushed mint with light rum and a splash of soda water.

a really good change is to crush raspberries with the mint and add some raspberry torrani syrup.

Ouzo...hands down

tequilla just playen im not of age dont ask those questions you make it so tempting just kidding

vodka gimlet - good places serve it with a hazelnut

Beer!!!! Alot of Beer.

Beer, especially trappist ales.

hmm....not a big drinker but I do like kahlua. I also like a nice glass of wine occasionally, Riesling, and I will have a sip of beer when it's hot out, heineken usually......

what are you serving?

1: c*ck sucking cowboy
2: wild turkey and coke
3: straight up black sambuca shots

sorry couldn't decide favourite...

pale ale beer. you should come to michigan sometime and go to this place in kalamazoo called bell's beer factory. they make dank ales, "oberon" is a personal fav. but its only sold in MI. otherwise, a jagerbomb will do.

?Tequila sunrise
?Sex on the beach
?Jack Daniels with coke
?Rhum with coke
?Baileys with 2 shots of Scotch whisky
?Mules vodka

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