Moving to a new home (KS)....all our liquor has been opened. How do we move it in a vehicle?!
Moving to a new home (KS)....all our liquor has been opened. How do we move it in a vehicle?
Just thinking of a worst case scenario where we get pulled over and they check all our boxes and find our bar stuff.
My hubby and I have a drink maybe 4x per YEAR, and I am pregnant, so it is obvious we won't be drinking during the move.
Just I need to just tape the heck out of the box, to prove that nobody is taking swigs in the moving van? lol.
2 days ago
Yeah, Mike L, that's me, worry wart. Truly defines me. That's why I am asking. I'm not offended though.
My father was a police officer for many years, he said that if you ever have cause to transport open containers of alcohol, place them into personal luggage, the police require a warrant to search personal luggage. This is importnat when you have vehicles without trunks, such as station wagons, minivans and vans where a person (passenger)could access the alcohol while the vehicle is in motion, there's nothing about whether it's in the drivers reach or not, if alcohol cannot be stored in a locked trunk.