Should you refrigerate a bottle of alcohol?!


Should you refrigerate a bottle of alcohol?

I have a friend that keeps his vodka and whiskey bottles in the freezer.
Is it okay or recommended to do that?

I keep mine in my pantry, which stays at room temp., but sometimes (like now in the summer) it gets a little warmer in there.

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1 week ago
Okay, and how about tequila?
Can/should it be kept in the freezer?


1 week ago
Okay, and how about tequila?
Can/should it be kept in the freezer?


Either way is fine. Generally vodka drinks are served chilled, so keeping it in the freezer just adds to the flavor of the drink, and ease of keeping it cool. It will never freeze or anything. If you tend to drink a whiskey at room temperature (which some people do) then that is fine too. Neither way is generally recommended. It's preference only. Think of it this way- if you go to a bar they leave their bottles out at room temperature and you wouldn't be turned off from that.

yeah. vodka doesnt freeze. neithere does whisky. it keeps them fresher than if you kept them out. it also keeps them cold. my mom and dad do it too

I keep vodka in the freezer. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it and it makes it much easier to make drinks with it, since most vodka drinks are served cold (at least the ones I like).

I prefer whiskey (scotch, bourbon, irish, etc) that is not refrigerated. To me, serving it that cold detracts from the unique flavors it has. Of course, I don't even like ice cubes in my scotch (just a little water) and although I like bourbon on the rocks, I have tried it refrigerated and don't like it that way.

Yes absolutely,I keep my gin in there,it makes your drink nice and cold and the ice lasts longer too!

Some alcohols that contain cream (like Bailey's) need to be refrigerated once opened. Putting vodka in the freezer is common because it is drunk very cold. I have never heard of putting whiskey in the freezer, since it should be drunk at room temp., but putting it in the freezer wont hurt it any.

no alcohol NEEDS to be refrigerated. The alcohol is a natural anti bacterial and viral compound. That is why they used to use it to disinfect wounds.
However, I personally think vodka is better when it is ICE cold.

keep it in the freezer it wont freeze but it will keep it nice and chilly!

I just put an ice cube into the glass when I serve alcohol. The only thing that I keep in the fridge is Limoncello . I guess that everyone as it's favourite place to store their drinks ,it's all a matter of choice .

There are a few boozes that are supposed to be served chilled. Jager, Goldschlager, Rumpleminz, Sambuca etc. I know a lot of people who put their vodkas in the freezer.

Stuff I drink at room temperture, I don't freeze. (whisky, cognac, brandy, soco)

I mostly drink vodka (in martinis. I just keep my glasses in the freezer) but I don't freeze mine. It won't freeze, but I find it gets kind of thick. When I am drinking it in a cocktail with a mixer, it seems more potent. Like the frozen poured to the same level as the non frozen booze, is some how more??? Does that make sense? I don't know. I just prefer to not keep mine in the freezer. I just use a shaker with ice & that chills it right up!!! If I'm using it in a drink with a mixer, I use ice, so to me non chilled is fine.
But either way it doesn't matter. It's just preference. It won't go bad left out, or in the freezer.

Tequila doesn't need to be put in the freezer, but it certainly goes down a lot easier chilled. But again that's preference too.

I use to drink but got something better which keeps me higher and dont need chillin cause it is the ultimate high.

for Tequilla-if you want to preserve the worm-do what you gotta do-most leave it out of the fridge.

this is what got me the highest high and happiest too=filled with the Spirit=

and for saying grace over it for the baby and the fam=ADD AMAZING GRACE TOO=FOR SAYING GRACE=a point for your heart and soul to flavor you from within=yes the truth you have Isaiah 9:6 "Unto us a child is born, a son is given, and he will be almighty God, the everlasting father, the wonderful counselor, the prince of peace." I prayed and let him into my heart to forgive my sins, even one lie, and help me and to be my friend. amen. Revelation 3:19&20 "I love you and ask you to repent, behold I stand at your heart door and knock if you ask me in, I will come in and help you and be your friend."
Romans 1:16 unashamed of the gospel & 9-11th chapters provoke them to jealousy that havent come to know him yet with your joy and inner peace

I would be carefull of friends that keep vodka and whiskey in the freezer-they wont freeze but -if they drink too much they may have a major problem getting too it, through it, or putting it back away-if they live on it-that is another sign=not much else in there.

Alcohol does not freeze. Vodkas are kept in the freezer because it is an alcohol that is often served in drinks that are served "up" with no ice. i.e. Vodka Martinis, Lemon Drops etc. No need to refrigerate though. Just make sure the bottles are stored in a cool dry place like a pantry and are covered so that fruit flies, ants, or evaporation cannot get to them. Also - refrigerators are notorious for the transfer of odors and tastes of other foods/things in the refrigerator like, cheese, onions, etc. Be a shame to chuck a bottle of you favorite tequila in the fridge and have it ending up tasting like your grandmother's spaghetti sauce.


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