At what point would one consider him/her an alcoholic?!


At what point would one consider him/her an alcoholic?

How many drinks? Frequency, duration, repititions, etc.

Once a person lose control and the power to chose whether to drink or not to drink, these are indications that a person needs to get to an AA meeting or a rehab. Alcoholics are very crafty in hiding their disease not only from themselves, but from everyone else around them. A major part in getting well is for the person to admit they've got a problem. Usually this may take an alcoholic years to admit they've even got a problem. This period of the disease is called denial. To over come denial a person has to hit what is called "hitting bottom". Once a person starts "hitting bottom" they sadly, may have to hit several bottoms before they get themselves into recovery. The "bottoms" (trouble at home, trouble at work, trouble with the law, any one or combination of these) will get progressively worse as the alcoholic continues with their disease. An alcoholic may be surrounded by people, usually his family or friends, if he still has any, who may also be in denial. If they are in denial, they are in what is called "enabling" the alcoholic. There is a program called Al-ANON, which is for the people who are affected by the alcoholic. Both the family and the alcoholic must get into a recovery program if they are to over come the disease. The disease of alcoholism can be overcome. A person did become alcoholic overnight, so there is no microwave cure. When an alcoholic decides himself to get well, that's when he will start to get well. Pleadings from his family, trouble at work or with the law usually don't get the alcoholic into recoevery. They say, "AA is not for those who need it, it's for those who want it".

I've been through it.

i think its when you start asking yourself if your an alcoholic

Unfortunately I know a thing or two on this one. It is not really the frequency etc. the question you really have to ask is. Is it getting in the way of his/her life? Some people can stop drinking after a few drinks go home, but for alcoholics it always one more. You don't have to drink all the time to be an alcoholic you can binge drink and drink too much when you do drink. Sneaking drinks and lying about drinking are major signs. I hope the person you have in mind will look into their lives and get some help.

There is no defined line as one would hope there'd be. Think about drinking as a romantic relationship, okay? One can have a healthy relationship with drinking as one can with a woman. When it starts to consume you, cause problems, cause you to make decisions that are self destructive to sustain it.... is when one could call themselves an alcoholic. I would consider myself in the minor leagues of alcoholics... I drink most nights outta the week but... 2 to 3 beers or drinks... I get buzzed. I don't go home with weird guys... I don't start fights... But I am psychologically dependent upon it.... to... take the edge off.... I've been trying to stop drinking but.... being stuck in my head alone to think is worse... I start thinking crazy... So for now, I'll stay in the minor leagues and get over this hump in my life.

How many and how often does not determine being an alcoholic. An alcoholic can drink once a month and still be an alcoholic. It's all about the thought processes. Do they use alcohol as a method to deal with problems or escape from them? Do they drink to escape reality? Is alcohol used to self medicate from pain or a personality disorder? It's hard to understand, especially for someone who is not an alcoholic or does not have addictive tendencies. If you have questions, contact a local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), for the alcoholic, or Ala-non group for the family/friends of an alcoholic.

Jus the fact that you posted this question shows that there is a problem.

When you start drinking everyday and when you lie,cheat and steal just to get that one bottle. and when you can only be happpy when you drink

It's not the number or amount of drinks that define "alcoholic .This term has gone out of usage; a person who consumes alcohol may be using, abusing or misusing the stuff. Generally the difference is in wether there any alcohol related problems or not (medical or social). Alcohol dependence is defined by several parameters for example: the need to consume daily, need for eye opener, consumption of alcohol is the most important activity, neglect of other aspects of life, continuing harmful level of consumption despite being aware of the harm produced etc.

Other features are development of tolerance (need to increase the amount to produce the same effect), withdrawl symptoms (tremors, amnesia, confusion, hallucinations on discontinuing consumption).

Hope that's clear.

1. The person feels like he/she MUST drink, and has a hard time saying no to a drink.

2. The person begins to drink alone instead of in social events..

some people are alcoholics after there first drink , some develope slowly , i been to many AA meetings , alcohol doesnt discriminate there are young and old there rich or poor it dont matter.if you think you might be an alcoholic then you probaly are

Several simple tests.
1. Start drinking for an evening. Then stop.
2. Have 1 drink a day for a few weeks. No more no less.

Real alcoholic will have a hard time especially with number 2. Alcoholics have a built in forgetter that is fired up by the first drink. So once we have a drink, we are usually hard pressed to remember sound reasons not to drink (getting yelled at, grounded, beat up, arrested). Add to that the bodily need of the alcoholic to have alcohol in the body leaves the 1 drink a day person on the verge of going mad.

When you get up in the morning and you cant stop shacking and the only thing you want is a drink of alcohol. All day you drink and if you cant get one it sends you crazy.

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