Alcohol diet?!


Alcohol diet?

This may sound stupid, but... alcohol diet?
I know it wouldn't be healthy for my body, but I at too much and want to lose weight from this week long binge in a hurry. If I went on a diet of alcohol for a few days, could I lose weight? Or would I gain? I'd try to keep it down to 1000 cals or less, and obviously only have a little bit at a time so I wouldn't die of alcohol poisening. it would be pure hard alcohol. How much do you think I should have for day, will I lose weight, and what are the effects? Serious ansers only please. I ask this because alcohol usually fills me up and makes me not want to eat much. Also, I've had days before where I've had nothing to eat but whisky and I was fine.

I said no joke answers please.

Also, alcohol is the only thing that makes me lose my appetite. Foods high in protein/fiber

drink about a pint or more of whiskey and then come over to my place and well work off the calories you really didnt think you would get no joke answers to this did you? you must already be on your alcohol diet

your a alcoholic plain and simple if you get behind the wheel of a car and kill a Innocent person i hope they put you in prison and you will lose weight there grow up idiot

Hell, that's probably not gonna work. That's a lot of sugars to digest. How will that go over at work?

don't drink any alcohol. the long term effects can be fatal
if you want to lose weight but eat as well exercise

alcohol can b a substitute for food but one must never forget that it is necessary to nourish ones body not only feed it. if you dont eat correctly you can start getting deficiencies. go to a dietician if u want to lose weight!

look after your body for your future well being

Drastic calorie reduction in any form causes your body to go into starvation mode. This means that it conserves every bit of fat you have because it has no idea when the next meal might come. Your metabolism slows way down. This comes from centuries of an inconsistent food supply - people in some parts of the world still need this biological survival instict to live thru times of famine.

So, your body will start to feed on itself. You will actually begin to canabilize your own muscle tissue which will further lower your metabolism. You probably will lose weight but not fat, you'll be losing muscle. This weight lose will come at a very, very high cost to your body.

This forced deprivation will cause you to begin craving food. Once you go back to eating you'll be highly likely to binge again which is what you said has brought you to this urge to diet in this first place. I'll wager that it was another period of deprivation that put you into the binge you've just finished. You see, it's a viscious circle - deprivation - breaking the diet - what-the-hell bingeing - guilt about the binge - deprivation - and on and on it goes.

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