How much Do landlords make on a pint(on average) in a normal British local pub?!
How much Do landlords make on a pint(on average) in a normal British local pub?
I just received an email off this idiot. I was the first reply to his question. I simply answered if he begrudged paying the 14p a pint at the bar?
to be in receipt of an email that called me a " f u c k i n g a r s e w i p e" is not in the community spirit...
will do my utmost to get you barred "Sir"
you have blocked me from yahoo answers on your question, you will not block me from "Yahoo Abuse" !!!
14p... do you begrudge it?
not enough when you think they have lots hassle of punters
Not much.Which is why they are closing.
Brits are wierd
how does a landlord make money off the bar.
he just rents or leases the pub (the building).
It depends on how much they pay for their stock. But on average it is about 40-45% profit. With food it is a little differant they can make upto 100% profit but it usually is about 63%.
As long as I recive a full pint, I don't really care