Can I quit alchohol without getting help?!


Can I quit alchohol without getting help?

I am an alchoholic & I've been drinking heavily for 5 months. I really want to quit without getting help. can I make it?

Aban: If you have been hitting it very hard for 5 months you may wish to consult a physician before simply quitting. Alcohol is one of the few drugs that can cause serious physical side effects (D/T's) when abruptly stopped. That said, once you get past this initial bump in the road you certainly can manage to put the cork in the bottle by yourself. Odds are stacked against you succeeding for any length of time. I would suggest AA, go to meetings, seek out others who seem to be doing well and talk to them. It is much easier to do with the help of others. Check it out, nobody will ask you where you live or who you are, and if you don't like it you can walk away.

Yes, you can. Quit smoking is the toughest.

There is a pill you can get that makes you sick and vomit every time you take it. Take it with your alchohol and you will learn to associate a sick feeling with it. Shrinks use this method. If you can find out what they use, maybe you can do it. But really, should probably go to AA. People get a lot of support there. It's a great organization.

It's possible but very hard to do. I would consider a support group at the minimum. Alcoholism is a medical condition. You should at least discuss it with a doctor.

Yes you can, It's always good to put lots of you're confidence in you're self to quit. I know a friend who quit by forcing his self not to drink it, And telling his self when he wakes up in the morning and says " I'm John and I'm going to stop drinking ".
Seems a bit lame, But it helped.

- iGeeks Electronics

Hey Tony N here. oooo.
Sure you can dude, you can do anything if you put your mind too it. Put enough determination and willpower into your journey to soberville and you'll make it for sure.
But If you have trouble just find something to get your mind off beer, like playing a really fun game or having lots of sex.

yeah u can quit without help, but it wont last for long. i know i been doing it for 27 yrs. AA is good to go to, and also an eye-opener... give it a go and see how u feel.

If you want to quite then you need to commit.... My suggestion is to start to go to the gym and work out or play racket ball of squash... you'll feel healther and as you improve you'll not have time to get back into the bottle.

yes, Indeed you can..
if you hve Self confidence and the determination to quit you can...
I will take a while... To quit all of a sudden isnt the right way.. try to reduce your drinks gradually...

Why do you want to do it alone? Are you trying to keep it from someone? The chances of you quitting on your own are slim to none, which is why there are support groups that assign a sponsor to help you through the cravings for booze. If you have a problem, getting help is more important that hiding it from people. Go in and talk to someone; you can even tell them that you want to be discreet about it (I'm sure it won't be the first time they've had that request).

some people can , some people cant , i quit with the help of AA i would recomend AA to anybody that wants help . there are people there that can relate to you , young , old , male , female , in AA you are not alone , good for you on wanting to give up alcohol , and good luck

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