Anybody else sick and tired of Posh Spice?!


Anybody else sick and tired of Posh Spice?

I just think she's a media whore?

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1 week ago
I really don't go for the wafer thin look, I prefer curves.
But even if we all stopped reading about her, I am sure she would reinvent her self to keep her in the media spotlight.

1 week ago
I really don't go for the wafer thin look, I prefer curves.
But even if we all stopped reading about her, I am sure she would reinvent her self to keep her in the media spotlight.

you got it in one

Yeah, I can't stand her, I don't know why she is famous, only because of her husband, she has nothing to offer apart from the fact she starves herself to death, just to get a bit more attention, shame on the media, we don't like or care about her!!!

If you all stop reading it...they will stop printing it!

Or have I missed something?

I agree. She is also a hideous example to young women, starving herself to keep a man who clearly doesn't want her anymore.


And what does she have to do with beer, wine and spirits - the category you choose?

oh yeh very sick and tired.

i think that her styles aren't at all stylish and sadly the word you used to describ her is somewhat describ her style... also she have a big familly around her wich i find a very strange style from a mother ....
plus she's so thin i mean for godsackes dosen't beck see her

well its partly our fault for having a fascination with so called celebrities and buying those silly mags

i agree shes been around too long shes only starving herself so she still gets media attention its for all the wrong reasons though she should try doing something instead of going shopping

Funny isn't it. When they went to Madrid I rather hoped we could forget about the Beckhams. Now I'm hoping that when they go to America, we might not hear so much about them, especially Mrs.Beckham. Did anyone see her in that mini skirt last week, where it was so short, you could see the black knickers underneath - what a plonker she looked.

i truly hope she walks over a cattle grid and disappears forever.
the only problem is that there is a truckload of other wannabes ready to take her place at the top of the "pointless waste of DNA" pile.

shes not posh shes just a match stick and i think she looks discusting if my bird looked like that that id force feed her a cow or something pmsl

although you hear her complaining about the media attention she loves it and she realy does think her end david are royalty

Imagine having all that fame and fortune? I'm sure it must have its down side. She will never know whether Friends and acquaintances really like her or just wallowing in her starlight. She must have extreme insecure feelings of how she looks or would not strive to be the image of a waif like model. Her iconic husband made a complete fool out of her by sleeping with the nanny and probably others. There is no real place to find peace set down roots and be who you truly want to...does she even know? I am not a fan of hers but I'm sure this life style has major draw backs. A shame she does not share them so young girls get a true image of the dark side of this type of life.

yes. She is so unattractive and never smiles. And she doesnt even do anything....why is she even in the papers anymore??

pouting trout springs to mind! I can't stand her constant posing and pouting.

Yes - I don't find her slightly attractive but sort of hog like.

But I did feel a bit sorry for her when she was on TV recently spouting all the "I'm so proud of [my cheating husband] David." Ugh. Everyone knows you don't have the perfect marriage so shut up. And she ALWAYS looks so unnatural, like she never got the hang of being comfortable in front of the cameras.

You know what Nelson I thought I was all alone, It's nice to know that others agree with you, yes I don't read anything with her in it. We should punish all National Newspapers and fashion journals by not buying the paper when she is featured. She makes me sick to

If she were to put a stone on, i think she'd have a body to die for, if you ever got her out of the shops!

Trinny and Tranny are the 2 that get me snoozing. Who told em they were Marriage councillors? And Superfanny, she's a joke too. Scares ya kids for a fortnight and then clears off. Naughty step my backside, naughty hand more like. Mick

But what will she look like in ten years' time ? Amuse yourself by morphing her into middle age.

Beer Wine & Spirits??????????????

I don't go for posh spice, I just cook with salt and pepper.

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