Im so hungover I could cry?!


Im so hungover I could cry?

I just want the day to end, I just want the day to end, I just want the day to end :((
Please somebody make me smile..?

Lots of water and tomatoes. V8 is awesome for hangovers. And the next time you go out to drink, be sure to fill your stomach with some bread, and have at least one glass of water for every alcohol drink you take.

Otherwise, for a smile? Here's this:

one time i got so drunk i fell through the greenhouse door trying to get my key


Sweetie Lots of water and potassium. Bread helps too.

Ooh, fancy you! And its only Tuesday as well!

What did you celebrate last night?

Yes, I'm being nosey : )

wicked child!

Drinking doesnt cause hangovers, waking up does.

the feeling wont last forever, just chill out on the sofa and watch some daytime tv, drink lots of water too! dehydration is what makes you feel the worse when you have a hangover!

Here's a cyber hug, you'll feel better tomorrow, I hope XXXX

a police man or women today

nearly there

:D hello!!!

It could be worse.

I had the worse hangover of my life at a work conference in Manchester. After 2.5 hours sleep after a big night out with work mates, I had to go to a conference full of my company directors/managers. I had to run out of the conference 3 times to be sick and to top it off I went over on my ankle, tearing the ligament. I then had a 5 hour bus journey home to Edinburgh.

It was the single worse day of my adult life. I felt like ending it all..... mind you, I was alright the next day, so chin up!

stop staring at a computer screen. Surely that can't be helping.

i regret i cant make you smile.......

when you eventually get sick of drinking so much that it causes hangovers you will eventually feel it is better to drink less
its your body trying to tell you something.....

until then.............good luck....
drink plenty of water
take vit C 1000mg or the dissolvable tabs

or risk taking hair of the dog....(not advisable, but sometimes a good cure temporary cure)
sleep it off
in a quiet place....

Bless.... know exactly how you feel hun.... feeling same way myself.... and when I finish my day job I have 6 hours to work behind bar as well..... all I want to do is crawl up and sleep....! To make things worse... I was still drunk this morning and put on my white trouses with black thong.... classy I know.... so I cant even get up and walk around a bit.......!! Gotta stay put!

Poor thing, been there done that. Oh, still do that on occasion, actually way to much.
Anyway, hang in there, no pun intended.
I feel for you and believe me, you will survive.
Drink a lot of Gatorade.

isore with my mouth open and work in to lamp post

Banana milk shake is the answer,works every single time.

a big greasy breakfast

Don't Drink... Then you won't get hungover!!!!!!!

Get some ibprofen and a few beer, you'll be fine.

Let that be a lesson to you then. I'm all out of sympathy.

Its alright, it'll be over soon, this time tomorrow you'll feel on top of the world cos you will feel so well! Yesterday I felt like death, today perfect!

I'm hip to your's a hug for you.i just hope my head doesn't roll off my shoulders.

Moderation.................all you can do is drink plenty of water and rest.....remember the feeling and try not to over indulge again.
PS you left your pants on my porch

Tylenol, water, water, and possibly some sort of food. I don't think it matters what type - I usually eat something greasy for some reason.

Usually it's mostly over by 3pm, at least for me. Start the countdown, take some tylenol or ibuprofin, and keep drinking water.

I found my cousin drunk and asleep on my back porch one night barefooted. Friends and I went to Jack In a Crack to cure the munchies. When we left he was in the bed When we got back he was on the porch barefoot and sleeping.

Try some Squirt it helps me w/ a hangover

One thing i'll try to make you smile but before i do that don't do water it;ll make it worse it actually stirrs up the remaining alcohol and it'll make you more sick bread is anyway to get your mind off the hangover i once fell down the side of a mountain drunk as hell and ate a cactus yeah i said a cactus pretty bad situation but it was pretty funny anyway hope i could cheer ya up a lil bit....feel better

you should have taken that new hangover pill revive. it increases alcohol metabolism and gets all that crap out of your system faster. you can order it at everyone has been ranting and raving about it. i use it an i feel great the next day

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