How much beer can i consume per day?!


How much beer can i consume per day?

Been working my way up and at about 15 per day at minimum, how much more can i handle? My wife is getting pretty upset with me as it is but if she doesn't like the fact that i'm trying for a goal then she can leave.

24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case... coincidence? I think not.

not THAT much.

Not as much as me!

As much as you'd like but I guarantee you will get sick.

Are you serious?

i know mexicans who drink 40 beers a day on the weekend.

are you for real?? take time to work on your marriage rather than how much beer you can drink...your wife should be more important!

wow man your a cocky bastard...what the hell kinda goal is that anyways?...why don't you just keep drinking till you get alcohol poisoning...yeah that sounds like a good plan

I don't know if you're talking about how many you can have before it's dangerous, but I was up to 23 between 5:00
and 12:00 every night after work. Then i wrecked a car into a telephone pole at 90 mph, haven't had a drink in 6 yrs now.
And you really shouldn't hurt your wife for such a foolish goal.

You can handle as much as it takes to get you dead.

if you are taking 15 so take 7 more nothing matters one day will come you will say by yourself i donot need more.and that day ur drinking hobby will be left.its my best formula because i had also done this i had left of luck

You don't say what your purpose is in doing this and why you have what sounds like such a ludicrous goal.

You can drink one 12 oz serving of beer per hour and stay reasonably unimpaired. Assuming you sleep 8 hours/night, then, you have time to drink 17 beers if you have one upon waking and one just before bed.

But why would you want to do this? It is foolish in the extreme from the standpoint of calorie consumotion alone! When would you have time to earn a living? If you continue on this course, your wife would be a fool to stay another minute.

Good job! I don't think you should stop until you're drinking a case a day. Oh sure, your wife will probably leave you when your beer belly gets so huge your pecker completely disappears, but it will be worth it.

How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck ??

To avoid irreparable damage to your liver you should not consume more than 21 units per week. 1 Unit equals half a pint of beer. So over a week it's 10 1/2 pints. You should aim for three alcohol free days a week. Drinking 15 pints per day is seriously damaging your body. The liver, unlike other organs, cannot repair itself. Cirrhosis is irreversible. If you are not already an alcoholic your are very quickly heading that way. Stop or cut down now. Your 'goal' as you call it is not worth the damage caused to your health, bank balance and relationship. Also alcohol is absorbed by the body at the rate of about 1 pint every four hours. If you drive next day you are risking your own life and that of others.

as funny as this question is, you might want to focus on that marriage thing before the beer.

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