How drunk was i?!


How drunk was i?

So this weekend i had half of a beer, and 3/4 of a water bottle of vodka. i drank this all pretty fast. i remember drinking in the begining and then little clips of the night. i started around 7 30 and was still pretty messed up at 11. i cant remember most of what happens, but my friends say that i couldnt walk on my own or even stand at my worst point. but i never threw up or passed out. i wasnt even hung over the next day. i also peed in the middle of a baseball field :0 im a girl, and i weigh around 110 pounds. so how drunk WAS i?

You are lucky you are alive...I think if you would have drank any more, you would have had alcohol poisoning...Also, it depends if you had food in your stomach...If your stomach was empty, I don't know how it didn't burn a hole right through here's a common sense rule: However many pounds of food you consume, within one hour, you can consume 1/3 alcohol of the number of pounds of food in pounds, and be fine...just don't drive...


Quite drunk. And even though you don't remember what happened and didn't feel any consequences, it's a really bad idea to do this again. I like having fun drunken nights too, but that much intoxication is killing TONS of brain cells and you never know what kind of situation you might get in next time, remember, rapes often involve drugs or alcohol. Stay safe and have fun.

sounds like very

Not even close.

how big was the water bottle? anyways, if you can't remember chances are you were drunk, if you have a history of blacking out it's time to get off the booze.

about as drunk as i was when i couldn't stand and was trying to dance with some other chick who was drunk as well, lets just say, we hit the floor pretty hard, only part past 10:00 is seeing the floor come at me really fast, would i relieve that night.....Duh, wouldnt do springbreak any other way.

Probably .15 to .20 BAC. Most places you can't drive at .08 as I'm sure you know.

Well i'll tell ya sounds to me like a hell of a night..i know because i've in that situation a few times if you didnt puke or nothin you probably werent to faded, but i'd say you were pretty damn drunk because when you cant remember most of the night that usually means you blacked out but it sounds like you can definatly hold youre keep on havin fun as long as there arent any embarrising stories don;t worry to much LOL

Vodka is one of those magical liquors that the body handles well, (at least for me) . I can drink vodka all night long and not puke or be hung over. Whisky and Tequila is a different story. Every body is different, but I can tell you that after a drunk like that, using my personal breathalizer, I have blown a .3 at that capacity. BE CAREFUL!!

Sounds like me every night, You just got a really good buzz going.

I like RJ's response on top. Have fun but be careful, and try not to put yourself in situations that you have to go potty in an area that may lead to additional unwanted attention.

Who was driving?

pretty drunk.

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