Kid got into liquer?!


Kid got into liquer?

I think my 15 year old daughter got into our liquer. We had brandy in our closet, and she may have drinken some. How much would it take for a 15 year old girl with a slight build, just 115 lbs and 5'7", to get drunk by it? It was aged for only about 2-5 years, if that helps. (She has VERY little muscle mass)

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1 week ago
I know for a FACT she hasn't drinken before, so she can't have much of a tolerace for alcohol.

1 week ago
I know for a FACT she hasn't drinken before, so she can't have much of a tolerace for alcohol.

Chances are if she got into it, she probably won't do it again, as brandy is pretty nasty straight. Have a good talk with her about responsibility and how you are disappointed in her. Disappointment always worked with me, getting mad just made me rebel! Good Luck.

well she doesnt have to have much if shes drinking ALONE. She may have an accomplice when she dipped into the cabinet. Put a lock on it. At her age, kids are going to try to experime nt

One drink in one hour a BAC of about .04%. Check it out your self;

Two 1 oz. drinks within an hour would be all it would take, even 1 oz. would make her legally unable to drive (if licensed).

Hiding probably won't work, but a lecture and lock might.

Sounds like you need to have an honest chat with your daughter and other children about alcohol and what it does to the human brain....not to mention how alcoholism affects the entire family. Experiementing with alcohol is actually a pretty normal 15 year old activity and doesn't automatically lead to serious abuse issues later in life. However, you need to discuss your fears that she's sneaking around and getting into your liquour cabinet. She won't be happy, but at least it can open the door for a more honest conversation about boundaries, drug abuse, and family values.

put a lock on it and she had to have and accomplice.

who cares about how much???!!! she should not be drinking period!!!!!! your priorities are way out of whack!!! get a lock for your liquor cabinet and take some parenting classes.

not much, maybe 3 or 4 shots. it also depends on how long she was drinking for, one shot absorbs in one hour (in most people). but instead of worrying about what HAS happened you should worry about what WILL happen. its obvious that 15 is a transition age in which teenagers begin to drink and you have to deal with it head on. you have 2 options, either attempt to totally stop her from drinking (which will make her want to do it more) or go the way my friend's mother did. She decided that you can't flat out stop kids from drinking, so instead she opted to house them as they drink to make sure that they didn't drink and drive, took all the keys away from everyone BEFORE they drank and of course she checked with all of the parents first.

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