Cigarettes or Alcohol, which was invented first?!?!


Cigarettes or Alcohol, which was invented first?!?

I have no idea and two of my work mates were having a heated descusion yesterday...............! Would love to be able to shed some light on the answer when i see them next. Thanks all!

Alcohol by thousands of years. As alcohol is produced naturally when fruit ferments therefore it has been around since fruit first grew. Who refined the process to first produce wine I don't know, however it must have been one of the very early civilizations. The earliest civilizations that arose in the world developed in the late fourth and the third millennia BC in parts of Asia and north Africa.

The discovery of late Stone Age beer jugs has established the fact that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period (cir. 10,000 BC), and it has been suggested that beer may have preceded bread as a staple; wine clearly appeared as a finished product in Egyptian pictographs around 4,000 BC.

Cigarettes, as opposed to cigars and pipe tobacco, are relatively modern. The written history of the cigarette dates back to the 15th century when Christopher Columbus observed Indians rolling tobacco in maize or palm leaves. In the 16th Century, the poor of Seville collected tobacco scraps and rolled them into paper (papeletes). Portuguese traders carried these cigarillos to the Levant, thus giving birth to the Turkish cigarette. In his memoirs, the 18th Century adventurer Casanova reports smoking a cigarette.

Cigarettes spread through Europe in the wake of the Napoleonic wars (1792-1815) and became common towards the middle of the century. In the 1840s the cigarette industry was born, although cigarettes were still rolled by hand, mainly by women.


alcohol! they had it waaay back! in the bible even. they probably smoked pipes and stuff, but i reckon ciggies are pretty new!

Booze, by about 3,000 years.

Alcohol - 12th to 17th century.
Cigarette - 18th century.

Alcohol first, cigarette second.

Surely fermented Apples were drunk before anybody ever smoked cigarettes.Pete B.UK.

alcohol. romans used to drink it even and had it transported to them in aquaducts even. thats what my horrible latin teacher claims

Alcohol. Jesus turned water into wine during the times described in the Bible, but there is no mention of tobacco and smoking!

check these links


and cigarettes

alcohol predates ciggies by centuries! It was produced by ancient cultures but cigarettes are comparatively recent. Tobacco was first taken as snuff. I believe it was some time in the late 1800s or early 1900s that it was smoked as cigarettes though it was smoked in a pipe before that. Hope this helps

Alcohol.goes back to egyptians or before.

Alcohol was known way back the history of alcohol goes back to 2000 years before christ will smooking is relatively newer the history of smooking is a bit vague however the most recent update goes to the eighteen century when it was introduced to the world by an english lord it was discovered in the new world or the 2 americas continents however history record goes even older than that.

Cigarettes probably weren't invented first but the usage of a herb in burned form for stimulation of some kind would probably supersede alcohol production. I just simply base that on the fact that original alcohol productions was probably a rotted berry juice that someone found accidentally and realized they liked the after effects.


Definitely the booze!
Earliest man fermented beer, then wine followed.
Even the Ancient Egyptians drank beer.

egyptians/greeks/romans were all drinking wine.also the incas when discovered by the spanish drank alcohol.but the american indian was smoking tobacco.but we did not know that until sir walter raliegh came back from the new i think it has to alco hol.

Definitely alcohol was first because fruits were found first.......any well ripen fruit will get fermented and that is how the intoxication of alcohol would have been first discovered.
Tobacco habit came from (S.America?) ......please read Wikipedia.......And the making or rolling of cigarettes was even later.

I'm going to say alcohol.

While tobacco has been used in some form for 8,000 years, the cigarette has only been around since about 1832, more or less.

Alcohol has been around in a drinkable form of some sort for over 6,000 years.

You do the math.

Cigaretts are pretty new, but pipes were smoked in ancient times when libations were already created.

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