Adults only - do you "drink" everyday ?!


Adults only - do you "drink" everyday ?

I like a beer or 2 after work, sometimes more. Was wondering how often people drink ?

not every day, but maybe every other day. i wish i didn't like to drink so much (i'm not a heavy drinker, but i love to drink when i do) cause of the calories, but i run to help w/ that. and i'm not a junk food eater, so alcohol is my only "vice." i figure, it keeps me healthy (i know a lot of people who might be dead right now if they DIDN'T drink, believe it or not) and i'm balanced about it ... i don't get drunk ... so why not.

almost never

Every day.

Alcohol's not my cup of tea.

I drink, how much not your business or the sites.

i drink mainly on the weekends and once or twice during the week

When I was single...yes...when I was first married that I have two children not as much......Mostly on special occasion,date night, or girls night out.

sad to say but everyday

I drink at least one drink everyday. Sometimes just a glass of wine with dinner, sometimes beer after dinner, sometimes vodka after dinner. Some nights I have quite a few. My other half also has at least one drink a night, some nights a lot more. We do a liquor store run at least once a week and go through 3 or 4 bottles of wine and at least a case of beer in a week. No we are not losers, we both have good jobs and make good money and pay all of our bills and are both in very good physical shape.

A glass or two of wine every night after I get the kids to bed to "wined" down.

MAYBE once a week if that! but if you have to do it everyday then you might want to cut down that can lead to problems!

I have a couple of beers once or twice a month.

only on weekends.

I drink some times wine beer or wine coolers never anything hard and never more then twice a week.

A sixer will last me up to a month, but I'll hit a bar a few times a month, too.
When I was younger the most dangerous place to be in my apartment was between me and my beer, though.

I used to drink almost every day or two... Now I drink about 1 time per week, now that I'm a daddy!

Not every day - usually have a whisky or 2 every 2-3 days.

almost everyday yes, i like to have my vodka drink. dont mean I am a alchy but its a nice way to unwind for the day...

everyother day i'll have a beer or wine

depends on the day. mostly on weekends though. But Wine Thursday is always a good day to drink

Just having a glass of wine right now ;-) I drink maybe 5x a week. Usually I have a glass of wine after dinner or a beer with my lunch. I am from Europe and that is normal to have a beer after lunch there, here in the US people would consider you as a drunk ;-( Most of the people I know here, can't have one beer after lunch, because they could not stop. That is so sad !

I see I'm not the only one...

I only drink on "friday" night. (my friday is what you guys call sunday.) The only other time I might drink is if I had a bad day at work. But if I do that, I make sure I do 2 shots MAX. Just enough to help me relax.

Drink triple, see double, act single.

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