Any way you can lessen the extent of a hangover............?!


Any way you can lessen the extent of a hangover............?

before you start drinking? I.e. I've heard drinking milk lines your stomach etc....? (I appreciate drinking less or abstaining would be No.1 but other than that : ))


Drinking milk will line your stomach, but will have little impact on the ensuing hangover. It just means the alcohol will take longer to absorb, so you are likely to stay sober longer.

For a hangover, apparently taking Milk Thistle supplement when you first get up lessens the effect, but I have not tried this. I find something like lucozade is really good. You can buy a product called Resolve, which replaces lost salts and sugars and settles the stomach and calms the headache, it does work pretty well. We used to use it when I worked in the City and we partied hard after work, we were expected to be at our best and brightest the next morning, so my boss would send me out for a Resolve stash and we would just drink that until about 11 ready for the next round of drinks. It does work. Greasy food is supposed to help as well, but its not for everyone.

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