


How do you treat a hangover??? and is it possible to avoid it??(and i dont mean by not drinking)

Some people say that you should eat bread or something so that it can absorb the alcohol...but my friend said that u should eat bread so that u can vomit more easily...So im confused...

Any help would be nice..thnx!

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4 days ago
Okay... How can someone who only drank 3 tequila shots and had two beers get drunk(u know the whole puking like an idiot thing)?? I mean it seems like so little to me....... Is it because I rarely drink so when I do it has more effect on me than on others who drink all the time??

4 days ago
Okay... How can someone who only drank 3 tequila shots and had two beers get drunk(u know the whole puking like an idiot thing)?? I mean it seems like so little to me....... Is it because I rarely drink so when I do it has more effect on me than on others who drink all the time??

make sure you eat before you start drinking.. pasta is good. drink a lot of water and eat bread while you are drunk. it sucks becuase the bread tastes gross and bland but it works. i have never thrown up becuase i do this. but drink A LOT of water the next morning and take tylenol or asprin.

Any one who as drank to much has their own ideas on what to do and not do. Just limt yourself.

avoid hangovers, stay drunk !

Drink a glass of water for each alcoholic drink you have, so that you don't get dehydrated. If you don't get dehydrated, you won't have a hangover.

Any bread absorbs. you will not puke any more easier with or with out it. Does this make sense?She is misinformed. You should drink alot of water before bed and take aspirin or non/aspirin.....If you wake up thru night drink more water or Kool-aid or soda or something! The more dehydrated you are the worse the hangover.

1 beer or drink to 1 water. Never drink on an empty stomach. Multivitamin in the morning with a good breakfast. Cheers and here's to losing your underwear.

the key to having no hangover is preparation... eat breads, pasta, pizza, something filling. next have ice cream before you drink, it lines the belly (really works). towards the end of the night instead of last drink get water....take 2 asprin b4 bed.water, water, water. set alarm clock one hour earlier get up take 2 more asprin with gatorade or smart water (electrolytes). back to bed, 55 minutes later!!!!! second wind, your ready to go.

You can't stop them. Maybe put them off for awhile. Some people just have worse hangovers than others. I would drink with my friends and I'b be the only one having a bad hangover the next day. You could start drinking a little less and see if that helps. I pretty much know when to stop now, to keep from having one. But, if you drink untill your sick and you vomit, then your drinking too much, back off a little.

Drink water and take a pain killer before going to sleep. In the morning, drink more water, eat a decent breakfast. I take Boiron nux vomica 30c, a homeopathic nausea remedy. It's natural and has no real drug interferences, so you can continue taking pain killers throughout the day.

While it may appear to help,I do not recommend taking pain killers the night before. Many NSAIDs can cause irreversable liver damage when combined with alcohol, and all are designed to releive pain, not prevent it. A hangover is the price you pay for overindulgance. I'd rather pay that price than lose liver function.
That said, The advise already given about full stomachs, water intake, and multivitamins is sound. Unfortunately, time is the only true healer.

I finally broke down and ordered this product that is supposed to allow you to avoid hangovers completely. I have a group of friends that have been using it for a while and claim it has worked every time. I'm normally very skeptical of these types of products as I've tried a few and they did nothing. But, my friends are the same way so I figured if they were using it, I should at least give it a try.
Anyhow, it arrived one day earlier than I expected and decided to give it a try last night. All I can say is that I'm 100% sold and will absolutely, NEVER, go out and drink again without this stuff. A quick summary of my night:
Went to a company cocktail party, and apparently the liquor supplier bills by the bottle so it is to the advantage of the liquor store/company to make stronger drinks so they can get rid of more bottles. I'm not kidding when I say that the cranberry and vodkas I had were pretty much nothing but vodka and maybe an eyedrop of cranberry juice. It was more like pure vodka. So, I had about 6 of those and by this point I was pretty smashed. Right after my last drink, I took the serving according to the label instructions, had my friend drop me off at home and about an hour or two later I was feeling absolutely fine. Normally by that time I'd start to get a throbbing headache or nausea, but instead...nothing. I fell to sleep and woke up feeling like I had never drank the night before. And that's the end of my saga.
By the way, the product is called Revive and it is made by fifth element labs, should it be of interest.
The end. :-)

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